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Biotechnology Project

By: Moisses, Austin, Garcie, Ethan

History of Biotechnology
1997- Scottish scientists report to clone a sheep, using DNA from an adult sheep cells

1998- The Biotechnology Institute is founded by BIO as an independent national, 501(c)(3)

educational organization with the independent Board of Trustees

2001- The sequence of the human genome is published in Science and Nature, making it possible for
researchers all over the world to begin developing treatments

2006- The genetic test, Oncotype DXTM was developed by the biotech company Genomic Health
and is already commercially available
Stem Cells
Grows independently
Side effects of stem cell transplant
-Up to one year
Helps repair broken tissue
-Nausea, Vomiting, Fatigue and
Temporary Hair Loss

Could provoke the thing you are trying

to fix

-Make it worst
Genetic cloning is the process of picking a choosing desired genes from DNA in order to ensure certain qualities.


Organ replacement could also help people survive in these situations. This form of cloning allows scientists to take a small
amount of cells from an organ, and harvest an entirely new, functioning one. Cloning can help infertile couples have
children. Fertility problems could also be potentially eased with the use of genetic cloning. The child could have DNA and
qualities from both parents, instead of just one.There is potential for cloning influential persons. Very influential and
historical people could possibly be recreated. People such as Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King Jr. could, theoretically,
be brought back to life to educate and help people in todays world.


The degree of uncertainty can cause many problems. Many of the repercussions and effects of cloning remain unknown. It
is a new world of science that is still continually be discovered. New diseases could cause difficulty in the health industry.
Cell mutation is a very real possibility with genetic cloning. This may result in new and more aggressive genetic disease to
begin within the human race, creating a lot of problems.

Cons: Pros:
1) Food allergies rose 3.4% 1) Produce a longer shelf life.

2) Lowered resistance to antibiotics 2) Less chemicals, time, machinery

3) Genes may migrate 3) Better nutrition

4) Heart attack 4) Less land needed

5) Obesity 5) Easier to Produce
Criminal Forensics

-Identifying Innocents

-Identifying Criminals


-Privacy concerns

-Inconsistent practices
Genetic Engineering and Reproduction

-Could cure many dangerous diseases

-Could detect fatal and life changing diseases before birth



-Moral issues

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