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Patterns Sequences
Max Weatherly
The Alhambra

Originally constructed in AD 899 from Roman fortifications, but were

renovated and reconstructed in 1333

Known as the Red One- (fire reflection during construction from

slave quarters)

Created and constructed by Moors, Muslim inhabitants located in this

area during the Middle Ages

Yusuf I - Sultan of Granada who ordered the rebuilding of the forgotten


Spanish regained control in very late 1400s (~1492)

Columbus received his royal endorsements for his expeditions here

Major influence on many artists but most importantly MC Escher

Alhambra (Cont)

Moorish creation of this complex used intimate details and

symmetries throughout

Uses most, if not all, of the 17 mathematical possibilities

Inspired many to use similar techniques

Patterns such as this had not been utilized as many cathedrals and
palaces used religious paintings rather than intricate patterns and
Tessellation - a covering of an infinite geometric plane without gaps or
overlaps by congruent plane figures of one or a few types (Merriam-
Tessellation History/Sequence History

Tessellations have been used throughout the world and can be traced
back through a variety of cultures all the way back to 4000 B.C.

The Sumerian civilization used tessellations form from hardened clay

as decorations and a part of the physical makeup of the building
(Temples & homes)

Tessellations have been found in many of the artistic elements of

cultures including the Arabic, Byzantine, Chinese, Egyptians, Greek,
Japanese, Moors, Persians, and Romans

Islamic works consisted of abstract geometrical pieces since

representations of living objects were forbidden from artwork

Romans incorporated detailed images of humans and natural scenes

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