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Pepsi Sustainability Policies and

Sustainable projects-Cradle to Cradle and eco-
efficiency and eco-effective categories

The company has largely three sustainability projects;

1. Human sustainability,
2. environmental sustainability and
3. talent sustainability
Cradle to Cradle and eco-efficiency and
eco-effective continued
In 2006 Pepsi Company enrolled out a global sustainable agenda that designed
to foster continued growth of business.
The company did this by placing efforts towards the creation of a healthier
relationship among people and food and this did include specific 2025 goals
that will continue towards transforming the companys food and beverage
products portfolio and hence contribute towards a more sustainable global
food system.
5 HRB Stages of PepsiCo Practices & Policies

In its annual report of 2009 it made a firm promise of protecting the natural
resources of earth through innovation and having a more efficient use of
energy, land, water and packaging within the operations of the firm.
The subsequent goals that followed set forth an improvement of their;
a)water use efficiency up to 20% per unit of production by the year
b)improving their electricity usage efficiency by up to 20% in the units of
production by 2015.
c)They also promised towards reducing the greenhouse gas intensity in the
U.S operations by up to 25%
eco-efficiency/eco-effective cradle to cradle
relative to its environmental sustainability policies
and practices
The company focuses its environmental sustainability efforts towards energy,
water as well as packaging and solid waste areas.
. The key elements that are thus emphasized in environmental sustainability
include; reducing of water usage by conserving, reusing and replenishing,
reducing of greenhouse emissions by energy conservation as well as usage of
clean energy sources, reducing, recycling as well as reusing of package solid
The company is committed towards being environmentally responsible by
ensuring its values of ensuring the world is safer, greener and healthy
Environmental sustainable leadership
team (ESLT)
This is mandated towards;
creating and maintaining of PepsiCos strategy of environmental sustainability,
administering, developing and maintaining PepsiCo policies on the matters of
environmental policy, developing timelines and goals of PepsiCo environmental
performance, assessing the strengths and gaps of performance relative to the
aspirations as well as external benchmarks, providing support to the division in
regards to improving the long-term environmental sustainability performance
of PepsiCo, advising and informing the CEO and chairman, the executive
committee as well as Board of Directors in regards to matters of environmental
This team is mandated to observe the company is able to adhere to its policies
of eco-efficiency/eco-effective and that it will ensure that arising
environmental sustainable challenges are addressed amicably.

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