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The dessert and the parched land will exult; the steppe will rejoice and
bloom. They will bloom with abundant flowers, and rejoice with joyful
song they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.
Strengthen the hands that are feeble, make firm the knees that are weak.
Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is
your God He comes to you.
-Is 35:1-4
Isaiah is a towering figure among the Old
Testament prophets. He exerted a considerable
influence in his time. God called him to deliver the
same warnings that Amos and Hosea did in the
northern kingdom. Like those in the North, the
people in the South remained blind, deaf, and with
hard hearts. In spite of that, God consoled them
and promised them restoration through him.
The Book of Isaiah is the more popular of the
prophetic Books. We use Isaiah for readings in our
liturgies all year round, especially during Advent,
Christmas, and Lent. The book contains the most
number of messianic prophecies in the Old
Aside from discussing the messianic prophecies in
the Book of Isaiah, this chapter also summarizes the
other messianic prophecies in the Old Testament,
where the Messiah promised by God in the Old
Testament finally came in the person of Jesus Christ.
The Book of Isaiah has a rather unique organization and
composition in comparison tot the other books in the
Bible. It has three parts: First Isaiah (Is 1-39), Second
Isaiah (Is 40-55), and Third Isaiah (Is 56-66). These were
written before, during, and after the Israelites exile in
Babylon, respectively. Without alerting us to the three
parts, Isaiah conveys unique messages and prophecies
that give us new insights and revelations about God and
his people.

The Book of Isaiah contains some of the most

impressive and beautiful writings in the Old
Testament. Many of us may already be familiar with
these writings because of their use in liturgy. Even
a good number of religious songs that we sing
today are based on the writings of Isaiah. For
example, the song Hindi kita Malilimutan is based
on Isaiah 49:15-16.
Isaiah was a Judean aristocrat and a great statesman who was well-
respected by Israelites kings, and citizens. Among all the prophets since
Davids time, Isaiah preached the longest. His ministry, he acted as an
adviser to three kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.
In the Gospels, Jesus often quotes Isaiah as reffering to him as the
suffering Messiah. Isaiah also had the most number of messianic
prophecies. His writing style was very endearing and poetic.
Isaiah received his call to prophecy in the Temple of Jerusalem in 742
B.C., the year King Uzziah died. He had a vision of God being worshipped
by angels who served as Gods messengers. Overwhelmed by a great
sense of Gods holiness and glory, he cried out, Woe is me For I am a
man of unclean lips an angel took a
Glowing coal, placed it on Isaiahs lips, and
said, See, now that this has touched your lips
your wickedness is removed, your sin purged
Isaiah was made holy by Gods grace. No
matter what we had done in the past, he was
now purified God prepared him for his new life.
When God asked, Whom shall I send? Who will
go for us?, Isaiah replied, Here I am, Lord.
Send me his confidence to accept Gods
mission came from the knowledge that God
had forgiven and purified him.

The awe and humility Isaiah felt in the presence of God never left him. He tried to
share his experience to God to his people.
1. God is the Holy One. The Book of Isaiah describes God as the Holy One of
Israel. When he was called by God, Isaiah heard the angles cry, Holy, holy,
holy is the Lord of Hosts!... All the Heaven and Earth is filled with his glory glory
in this vision, Isaiah experienced Gods utter holiness, goodness, and love. This
experience taught him that Gods holiness was the basis for all moral goodness.
Isaiah preached about Gods holiness. He reminded the Israelites about their
covenant with God and their covenant with God and their call to be a holy nation.
He also warned them that they had openly defied the covenant laws with their
idolatry and social injustice. He pointed out to them that they had become proud
and arrogant and had based their security on themselves rather than on God

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