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Kathleen Brady
Quick Question?
How many of you are Engineers?
What is it?
Overpopulation is pretty self explanatory, its the exceeded amount of human life
that a developed or developed country can contain without causing ecological
The purpose of this paper is to argue why people should care, by how its affecting
the environment has hard evidence from a scholarly article and its relevance, and
finally, what can we do to help prevent environment disaster.
Main Points: Why its personal
Going back to the first question, who in here are engineers?
Arent you worried that your job will no longer be required due to the developed
technology or the amount of resources consumed by the growing population rate.
The main cause of rapid population growth is when there are more births than there
are deaths, which is referred to as a natural increase. Other causes of rapid population
growth include an increase in food production and distribution, improvement in public
health and the elimination of many diseases.
This is an immense issue for me, going into Civil Engineering, one must know how to
manipulate the space or environment around the to create a larger, more efficient
space for human use. Rather if it comes to new buildings or apartment complexes,
there is always something new to design and build. My concern is that when it comes
to my time of designing and using that space around me, I wonder if there will be any
space left to use
Cont. Affecting the Environment
Freshwater, Deforestation and Livestock is just a few of the many resources were losing if the
population continues to grow at the rate it is today.
Although the supply of freshwater is not infinite, the human population is increasing by 1 billion
people every 12 years. Therefore, the increasing population is making developing countries suffer,
even when its not in their own country.
The use of wood for fuel and the expansion of residential areas into forested areas lead to forest
destruction and loss of biodiversity when the natural habitats of many wildlife species are destroyed.
As farmers begin to use more pesticides and chemical fertilizers to try to increase yields, those
chemicals can create water pollution.
Therefore, more people is equivalent to more pollution coming from cars, no more space to
welcome the new generation and the biggest issue, there wont be any more trees to exterminate
carbon dioxide or natural resources such as soil. That very soil that we use for foundations for
homes, schools, and planting trees will be gone due to the amount of space that is taken up by
human life.
Cont. Article
Next is different articles that support that overpopulation is a very real situation
that we need to fix quickly, this demonstrating the evidence that is provided
through different sources. This article is in support that Overpopulation is one of the
biggest ecological issues to the date. The author states that we would have all the
advantages of modern technology but little, if any, environmental deterioration
(Cassils 173). Meaning that people live in a technical world but they believe that it
has no consequence. It demonstrates on how critical overpopulation is.
Cont. How to Help
Use more eco-friendly devices, if there is no solution to overpopulation
Electric cars
Smaller living spaces (Houses being closer together rather than a ways apart)
Convince leaders to commit to stabilizing population growth through the exercise of
human rights and human development.
That is the issue presented here, people dont know what happening to the
environment so they buy low gas-mileage cars and continue to deplete the
atmosphere without knowing it. So, if more people were more aware of this
situation maybe theyd make smarter and eco-efficient cars or products to help
save the environment.
"Overpopulation: Causes, Effects and Solutions."Conserve Energy Future. N.p., 12
Apr. 2017. Web. 19 Apr. 2017.
Kurzgesagt.YouTube. YouTube, 22 Dec. 2016. Web. 19 Apr. 2017.

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