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Statement of the problem

Pride and Prospers Inc. as one of the most successful companies today, is now facing
a decline in annual sales growth that started over the last few years. Another three
years of decline would mean cutting off at least 30% of its 7000 workforce. The
management team led by Harrigan has all reasons to believe that one of the culprits
is its present corporate culture. Third party consultants hired six months ago,
concluded that the companys culture is conservative, slow-moving and bureaucratic
and recommended to change the present corporate culture into a fast-moving,
modern and fast-paced internet savvy organization. Management wants to do away
with too much confidentiality of information and red tape. Sales goals were also not

Pride and Prospers

aggressive. The company needs to do these ambitious restructuring plans right away.

Statement of Objectives:
Increase the sales of the company by 10% monthly
Improve the organizational structure of Pride and Prospers Inc.
Introduce new line of products and advertise it
Set Specific target sales each year
Set Additional target market
Offer product packages

Pride and Prospers

Areas of Consideration
Research and development department
Marketing Department
Finance or Accounting Department
Organizational Structure

Pride and Prospers

Alternative course of action
a. Joint venture with Giligans Gum Company
b. Change the present corporate culture
c. Back to Basic marketing review
d. Give incentives to sales employees
e. Rewards for loyal customers/Open for loyal customers comments and suggestions
f. Product packages

Pride and Prospers


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