Q3 - What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

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Q3 What have you learned

from your audience

In order to find out what our audience thought of our
romantic drama trailer, we decided to make a survey using
survey monkey. Through this, we asked our audience a total
of 9 questions.
We got a total of 20 people to give us feedback and this
allowed us to see whether or not our film trailer was
The first question that we asked was asking our audience what genre
they thought our film was classed under. 70% of people which was
14/20 people thought that after watching the trailer, that it would
fall under the romanticdrama genre which shows that since over half
of the people voted this, that we successfully met the romantic
drama genre that we were trying to portray through our production.
However, 3/20 people said that the trailer belonged to a drama genre
which could be due to the fact that within our trailer there is a story
being told which some audience could think would make it a drama. As
well as this 3/20 people also thought it was under the social realism
genre and this could be as we show the scene of Abby on the phone
and crying.

80% of people which is 16/20 people said that they would want to see
the film after watching the trailer. Since only 4 people said that they
would not and the rest said that they would, we think that this is
successful as it shows that the majority of the people who watched
the trailer would watch the film.
95% of people said that the trailer, poster and magazine cover
complemented each other which meant that we were quite
successful and created a package that had all three
complementing each other just like a professional package would.

Furthermore, 95% of people also said that the film title was
relevant and this surprised us due to the fact that when
thinking of a title, we struggled to find one. However, once
figuring out a title, we hoped that others would also like it.
The success of people thinking it was relevant highlighted to
us that we appealed to the romantic drama genre.
Moreover, we also asked our target audience if they would call our
trailer a modern or classic example or both. 65% of people said
that it was a modern example which was important due to the
social media and technology aspect that was used within our
25% of people said that it was both and this could be as we still
used the typical codes and conventions of a romantic drama which
were about a boy and a girl falling in love however we did add the
technology and social media aspect in order to create a more
modernized feel.

Finding music for our trailer was especially hard due to the fact that it
needed to fit in with our genre as well as be copyright free. However,
in the end we did find two tracks that complemented each other as well
as went with our voiceover. Therefore we thought we would ask
whether people found the music effective. 45% of people said that it
was not effective. However, 55% of people said that it was effective
which meant that we were successful with the choice of the tracks
that we picked.
It took us a while to come up with a storyline for our trailer as we
needed to find something that we knew would interest our target
audience and after researching many other romantic-drama films
we finally used the codes and conventions to make our own
narrative that would fit in with the genre. Therefore, we thought
wed ask this question in our survey. 80% of people said that it was
clearly presented which showed us that we presented our narrative

We filmed our trailer multiple times in order to get it to the

way that we wanted. We used 6 locations which were two
houses, Lavender Fields, Primrose Hill, Richmond Park and
South Bank in London. 75% of people said that the locations
were effective which meant that using the 6 locations was
worth it. However, 25% people said that they were not
effective and this could be due to the lack of shots that
were taken at these locations.
The last question that we asked our audience was what age group
do you think the film appeals to?. 85% of people said that the
age group was 16-24 years old which is the exact age group we
wanted our film to be and this was decided when we were
planning our trailer.
However, 15% of people said that it would appeal to 12-15 year
olds. Through this we have seen that the majority of the people
think it is aimed at 16-24 year olds which shows that we made
our final product successful.

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