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Khulan. O
Reading is the only way
to learn about any
literature and
language, and there is
no real shortcut
by David Pichaske
Overview: Assessing reading

Trend of reading: Sense of sight and hearing : 1. digital book, audio book. With the
technological boom of recent years, we have seen a burgeoning of visual and auditory
media, filling our eyes and ears almost constantly. Nevertheless, the written word
continues to play a vital role in conveying information, amusing and entertaining us.
Assessment reading: Many formal tests use the written word as a stimulus for test-
takers response; even oral interviews may require reading performance for certain tasks.
The assessment of reading ability does not end with the measurement of comprehension
How to assess reading /whether they use reading strategies. It is important especially
formative classroom assessment, to assess the strategies that readers use or fail to use -to
achieve ultimate comprehension of a text. For example: Academic technical report may
be comprehensible to a student at the sentence level, but if the learner has not utilized
certain strategies for noting the discourse conventions of that genre, misunderstanding
may occur.
To sum up: Reading, arguably the most essential skill for success in all educational
contexts, remains a skill of paramount importance as we create assessments of general
language ability.
How to be an efficient reader ?
For Learners of English, two primary hurdles must be cleared to become
efficient reader. Learners can be encouraged to use both bottom-up and
top-down strategies to help them understand a text.
First Second
Bottom-up processing is a type of As part of the top-down approach,
information processing based on second language readers must
incoming data from the develop appropriate content and
environment to form a perception. formal schemata (background
The need to be able to master information and cultural
fundamental bottom-up strategies experience-to carry out those
for processing separate letters, interpretations effectively.)
words, and phrases as well as top-
down, conceptually driven ( -,
strategies for comprehension.
( )

Bottom-up: processing
(affixation ) separate

Top down: processing of language,
Words Schemata Someone uses
Phrases background info, cultural experience to
predict meaning of language.
Micro and Macro skills

Micro skills:
Discriminate among the distinctive a. graphemes (b. letters or letters
combinations that produce c. a phoneme) and orthographic patterns of English.
E.g., piece, peace, piece and micro macro.
Micro skills
2) Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short-term memory.

3) Process writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.

4) Recognize a core of words and interpret word order patterns and their
significance. (priority ...)

5) Recognize grammatical word classes ( nouns, verbs etc.) system ( e.g., tense,
agreement, pluralization)

6) Recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in different

grammatical forms. ( passive)

7) Recognize cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in signaling

the relationship between and among clauses.
Macro skills

Recognize the rhetorical conventions of written discourse and their

significance for interpretation.
Recognize the communicative functions of written texts, according to
form and purpose.
Infer context that is not explicit by activating schemata (using
background knowledge)
From described events, ideas, etc., infer links and connections between
events, deduce causes and effects, and detect such relations as main idea
supporting idea, new information, generalization, and exemplification.
Distinguish literal and implied meanings.
Detect culturally specific references and interpret them in a context of
the appropriate cultural schemata.
Develop and use battery of reading strategies, such as scanning and
skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning of words
from context, and activating schemata for the interpretation of texts.
Principal strategies for reading comprehension

1. Identify your purpose in reading text.

2. Apply spelling rules and conventions for bottom-up decoding.
3. Use lexical analysis ( prefixes, roots, suffixes etc.)determine meaning
4. Guess at meaning (of words, idioms etc.)when you arent certain.
5. Skim the text for the gist and for main ideas.
6. Scan the text for specific information (names, dates, key words etc.)
7. Use silent reading techniques for rapid processing.
8. Use marginal notes, outlines, charts, or semantic maps for
9. Distinguish between Literal and implied meaning.
10. Use discourse markers (e.g., in addition, however, nevertheless
on the other hand)
Types of reading

Interacti Extensiv
Perceptive Selective
ve e
reading tasks
attending to the
components of
larger stretches
of discourse.
Letters, words,
other graphemic
processing is
implied .
To ascertain ones
reading recognition of
lexical, grammatical, or
discourse features of
language within a very
short stretch of
Certain typical tasks
Selective reading
are used: picture-cued
tasks, matching,
true/false, multiple-
Sentences, Brief
paragraphs, simple
charts, graphs
A combination of
bottom-up and top-
down processing may
be used
Anecdotes, short narratives,
descriptions, excerpts from
longer texts, questionnaires,
memos, announcements,
directions, recipes,
A process of negotiating Interactive reading
To identify relevant
features(lexical, symbolic,
grammatical, and discourse) and
to retain the information that is
Top-down processing is typical
of such tasks, although some
instances of bottom-up
performance may be necessary.
Professional article, essays, technical reports, short
stories and books
The purposes of assessment usually are to tap into a
learners global understanding of a text, as opposed to
asking test-takers to zoom in on small details.
Top-down processing is assumed for most extensive
Relationships of length, focus, and processing
Moderate Length Focus Process

Strong sh medi lon for meani Bottom Top-

ort um g m ng -up down


Designing asessment tasks:Perceptive reading
o At the beginning level of reading a second language lies a set of tasks that are
fundamental and basic.
o Recognition of alphabetic symbols, capitalized and lowercase letters, punctuation, words,
and grapheme-phoneme correspondences.
o Some learners are already literate in their own native language, but in other cases the
second language may be the first language that they have ever learned to read./cognitive
and age realted issues/
Multiple choice
Reading aloud[S, R] Same/different,Circle the answer,True/false
The test taker sees separate letters, words Choose the letter,Matching
and/or short sentences and reads them
aloud, one by one, in the presence of Test takers read: Circle S for same or D for
1. Seat Set S D
Written Response[R, W]
The same stimuli are presented, and the
test-takers task is to reproduce the Test takers read: Circle the odd item, the
probe in writing. one that doesnt belong
1. book book boot
Designing assessment tasks: Selective

Multiple Matching
-Choice Tasks

Selective reading-1

Multiple-Choice(for Form Focused Criteria)

Multiple-choice cloze
Contextualized mar task[R]
multiple-choice He showed his suitcase
mar tasks[R]
vocabulary/gram (1)______me, but it
1. He is not married. He
mar tasks[R] wasnt
1. Manager: Do you big(2)________to fit
A. Young
like to work by all his clothes. So i
B. Single
yourself? gave him my
C. First
Employee: Yes, I like suitcase, which
D. A husband
to was(3)______.
work_______________ 1. A. For
2. The bank robbery
A. Independently B. From
B. Definitely C. To
__i was in the
C. Impatiently 2. A. So
D. rapidly B. Too
E. That
C. Enough
F. During
3. A. Larger
G. While
B. Smaller
H. which
C. largest
Selective reading-2

Matching tasks
Selected response
Vocabulary matching fill-in vocabulary
task.[R] task.[R]
Write in the letter of 1. At the end of the
the definition on the long race, the
right that matches runners were
the word on the left. totally____________.
__1. exhausted 2. ____
__2. disappointed 3. ____
__3. enthusiastic 4. _____
__4. empathetic Choose from among
the following:
a. Unhappy Disappointed
b. Understanding of Empathetic
others Exhausted
c. Tired Enthusiastic
d. excited
Selective reading-3

Editing tasks
Multiple-choice grammar editing
task [R]

Choose the letter of the underlined

word that is not correct.

1. The abrasively action of the wind

wears away softer layers of rock.
2. There are two way of making a gas
condense: cooling it or putting it
Selective reading-4

Picture-Cued Tasks
Multiple-choice Diagram-labeling task[R]

Selective reading-5
completion tasks[R,
Oscar: Doctor, What should i do if i get

Doctor: It is best to stay home

If you have a
You should drink as much
The worst thing you can do is
You should
Designing assessment tasks: Interactive

u Reading Short- Editing(lo
Cloze Plus Answer nger
tasks Comprehe Tasks texts)

Scanning Ordering
Interactive reading-1

Cloze tasks
C-test procedure Cloze-elide procedure[R]

[R, W] The recognition that ones now feelings of

happiness and unhappiness can under
coexist much like love and hate in a
cloze then relationship may offer

The recognition valuable clues on how to lead a happier

with life.

th__ ones feel____

of happ_____ and
unhap______ can
coe____ much li__
love a__ hate i_ a
cl___ relati______
may of___
valuable cl___ on
Interactive reading-2

Impromptu reading plus comprehension

Main idea(topic)
in context
Grammatical features
Detail(scanning for a
specifically stated detail)
Excluding facts not
written(unstated details)
Supporting ideas
Vocabulary in context

reading-3 Tasks
The age-old short-answer
A reading passage is presented, and the test-taker
reads questions that must be answered, usually in
written form, in a sentence or two.

Open-ended reading comprehension questions[R, W]

1. What do you think the main idea of this passage?
2. What two ideas did the writer suggest for increasing airline business?
3. Why do you think the airlines have recently experienced a decline?

The future of
Interactive reading-4

Editing Longer texts)

Interactive reading-5

Scanning [R]-Strategy used by all

readers to find relevant information in a text
A date, name, or place in an article
A one-to two-

The setting for a narrative or story
The principal divisions of a chapter
page news article The principal research finding in a
technical report
An essay A result reported in a specified cell in a
The cost of an item on a menu
A chapter in a
Specified data needed to fill out an
A technical report
A table or chart
depicting some
research findings
A menu
An application
Interactive reading-6

Ordering Tasks
Sentence-ordering task[R]

Put the following sentences in the

correct order:

A. It was called The Last Waltz

B. The street was in total darkness
C. Because it was one he and richard
had learned at school
D. Peter looked outside
Interactive reading-7

Information transfer: Reading charts,

maps, graphs, diagrams
Tasks for assessing interpretation of
graphic information.[R, S, W]
Read a graphic; answer simple, direct
To comprehend information questions
Read a graphic; describe or elaborate
information in this on information.
Read a graphic; infer/predict
medium, learners
Read a passage; choose the correct
must be able to graphic for it
Read a passage with an accompanying

Comprehend graphic; interpret both

Read a passage; create or use a

specific graphic to illustrate.

conventions of
the various types
of graphics.
labels, headings,
numbers, and
Want big impact?
Use big image.
Designing assessment tasks:
Extensive Reading

o Impromptu reading
plus Skimming tasks
o comprehension
o Short-answer tasks Summarizing and
o Editing Responding
o Scanning
o Ordering
o Information Notetaking and Outlining
ssed under
Extensive reading-1

What is the main idea of this text?

What is the authors purpose in writing the
What kind of writing is this?
What type of writing is this?
How easy or difficult do you think this text
will be?
What do you think you will learn from the
How useful will the text be for your
profession, academic needs, interests?

Skimming Tasks S/W]


Responses are
oral or written,
Extensive reading-2

Directions for
Criteria for assessing a summary
1. Expresses accurately the main idea and
Write a summary of the text. Your supporting ideas
summary should be about one paragraph in 2. Is written in the students own words; occasional
length(100-150 words) and should include vocabulary from the original text is acceptable.
your understanding of the main idea and 3. Is logically organized
supporting ideas 4. Displays facility in the use of language to clearly
express ideas in the text
Summarizing and
Holistic scoring scale for summarizing and responding to
Directions for responding to reading 3-Demonstrates clear, unambiguous comprehension of the
main and supporting ideas.
In the article Poisoning the air we breathe, the
2-Demonstrates comprehension of the main idea but lacks
author suggests that a global dependence on comprehension of some supporting ideas.
fossil fuels will eventually make air in large 1-Demonstrates only a partial comprehension of the main
cities toxic. Write an essay in which you agree or and supporting ideas.
disagree with the authors thesis. Support your 0-Demonstrates no comprehension of the main and
opinion with information from the article and supporting ideas.
from your own experience.

You can copy&paste graphs from Google Sheets

Extensive reading-3

Do you have Any

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