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Vector Algebra

Vector Algebra
Scalar Quantity: an undirected magnitude;
quantity is fully described by its magnitude.
Examples: mass, volume, density, length
Vector Algebra
Vector Quantity: a directed magnitude;
quantity that is represented by an arrow.
Arrow has an arrowhead (direction) and
length (magnitude.

Kinetic vector quantities : force, weight,

pressure, specific weight & torque
Kinematic vector quantities: displacement,
velocity & acceleration
Vector Composition

The composition of vectors with the same

direction requires adding their magnitudes.
Vector Composition

The composition of vectors with the opposite

directions requires subtracting their magnitudes
Vector Composition
Resultant vector
Tip-to-tail vector composition

Resultant vector

Vector #2

Vector #1
Vector Composition

The tip-to-tail method of vector composition.

Vector Composition
Sum of three original
vectors: R=A + B + C
Vector B starts at the
end of vector A and
vector C starts at the
end of vector B
Resultant begins at
tail of A and ends at
head of C (-1, -6).
Vector Composition
Sum of same three
original vectors:
R=B + A + C.
R always starts at
the beginning of the
first vector and
terminates at the
end of the last
vector (-1, -6).
Vector Composition
Sum of same three
original vectors:
R=C + B + A.
Note that in each
case, regardless of
order, R has the
same rectangular
form (-1, -6 ).
Vector Resolution
What is vector resolution?
Operation that replaces a single
vector with two perpendicular
vectors such that the vector
composition of the two
perpendicular vectors yields the
original vector.
Vector Resolution

Vectors may be resolved into

perpendicular components. The vector
composition of each pair of components
yields the original vector.
Vector Resolution
Example: A ball is thrown into the air


Graphic Solution of
Vector Problems
Graphic vector manipulation may yield
approximate result

1 cm = 10 N

30 N = 3 cm

35 N = 4.5 cm
Trigonometric Solution of
Vector Problems
A more accurate procedure for
quantitatively dealing with vector



Trigonometric Vector

Two rectangular components

One directed negative x-axis (adjacent to angle)
One directed positive y-axis (opposite to angle)
This chapter introduced basic concepts related
to kinetics
Vectors quantities have magnitude & direction
Vector problems may be solved by a graphic or
a trigonometric approach.

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