Q1. in What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?

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In what ways does your media

product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of real media products?


Main Image



How I developed the codes and conventions Front Cover

In my front cover I used a masthead going a long the

top of the page where as DJ magazines had it in the
top left corner. I believe when using a Masthead it
should go along the page as it is a lot more visible for
consumers to see it instead of it going in the top
corner. In DJ magazine the masthead blends into the
rest of the colour scheme where as in my magazine I
wanted it to be completely different colours in order
to be more vibrant and again so that readers can see
it clearly. Both mine and DJ magazine have used one
model in our main image. My cover lines were yellow
and didnt match my main colour scheme unlike my
magazine DJ they used a colour and font which
matches the main theme of their front cover.

Cover lines

y Images

Codes and conventions Contents page

In my contents page as well as the Vibe contents page

both consist of the title contents on the top of the page to
make it clear to the reader that they are on the contents
page. My contents page is made up of secondary images
and contains no main image, where as the Vibe contents
page is the exact opposite and only has a main image. In
my contents page I have all my cover lines to the left of
the page where as the Vibe contents has all the cover
lines on the right hand side.



Codes and Conventions Double page spread

In my magazine I have put that the masthead of

the front cover in the top right corner of my
page, where as the other magazine doesn't have
its front cover masthead on it instead it has
Nicki Minajs name is bold to draw the readers
attention and to quickly tell that, thats what the
questionnaire is going to be about. Both the DPS
contain a lot of grab quotes to draw the reader
in. the colour scheme is different between both
DPS, mine is all black with the occasional purple
and red where as the other one is bright pink
with black text. You could say that this will
appeal to different audiences for example the
Nicki Minaj questionnaire would appeal to a lot
more girls over boys. Where as my DPS isnt very
gender specific but targets people with a
particular interest for house or EDM.

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