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Environmental Steward
Darin is a guy that I
met at a restaurant
in the furthest
southern corner of
wherever. He had
the wiry shape of a
scrappy boxer and a
jovial laugh. The
thing that stood out
most about Darin is
the air of angsty
energy that he
carried around with
him. Maybe angsty
isnt the right word
to use. Staunchly
As an English major at
the University of Utah,
Darin found himself
exploring literary
politics. The history of
politics and its effects
on current relations
pushed the young
mans mind into
existential thought.
Those who cannot
remember the past are
condemned to repeat
it George Santayana
Darin made the
decision that he was
not going to be a part
of the history that was
condemned to repeat
itself by being a part of
history that changed
the future. While
testing the waters on
ways to become
engaged in the
community Darin
began working with
Fight PD, a cause that
used boxing as a
means to help fight
against the symptoms
of Parkinson's disease.
There was a defining
moment at which the
path to Darins once
angsty energy solidified
into a path for
productive action.
Bernie Sanders carries
a type of passion in his
voice and for his values
that spoke to Darins
heart. We can only
enact change through
specific action Darin
During the support of
Bernie Sanders
campaign, Darin saw
the need for
organization among
people looking to enact
change in their
community. The
revolution of the next
generation needed
direction and a unified
voice. United
Progressive Coalition of
Utah was established
by Darin and his wife
Michelle to welcome
and direct members of
the community to
cause driven events.
Through the use of
social media, like
KRCLs Radioactive
pictured here, state
political conventions,
local news radio, and
rallies, Darin hoped to
spread the message of
unity among people in
a fight for
environmental health
and equality for all.
While running for a
district representative
seat, Darin and UPC
were able to educate
and activate members
of the community.
As the primary election
came to an end there
were many people
disappointed in how
the democratic national
committee was
handling the selection
of its candidate. The
Journey for Bernie was
an event put together,
again, by the Manns to
rally the people of this
country in support for
what they believe to be
ethical in a march to
Philadelphia in a show
of solidarity. From Utah
to Philly, gathering
people and support
After the DNC was said
and done, there was
the Dakota Access
Pipeline. The proposed
and in production oil
line was set to run
through the Missouri
River from which 18
million people drink
fresh water. The
peaceful uprising
against one of the
worlds most profitable
industries was being
led by a group of
Native Americans. In
solidarity and by will of
conscience, the Manns
were there.
At home the battle
would not cease.
Protection of water is
the duty of every
human being to
themselves, their loved
ones, and their kin. The
Wells Fargo bank was a
major contributor to the
DAPL oil project and
without due-diligence
people cannot know
what their money
would end up
supporting. Our friend
and voice chained
himself to other
supporters in the Wells
Fargo lobby downtown
There is more than one
effective way to enact
change on a large
scale. Darin currently
works with Utah Rivers
Counsel to engage
people of the
community in
protecting wild Utah
and our essential fresh
water sources. Darin
personifies what it is to
be an activist and
fights every day to
improve the lives of
future generations.
The take away that Darin would like to share from his
experience in environmental advocacy is to find something
that youre passionate about, that you truly believe will affect
future generations, and fight as hard as you can for it

Mann, Darin. "VOLUNTEER."Utah Rivers Council. Utah Rivers

Council, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.
"RadioActive: May 11, 2016."KRCL | Community Affairs /
RadioActive. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.
Tillotson, Leslie. "Check Your Health: Exercise Helps those
with Parkinson's Disease."KUTV. Leslie Tillotson, 12 Oct.
2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.

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