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Listening task (blank screen!

Gist task: What is the topic?

In a preliminary investigation, Dudley-Evans (1984) focused on

dissertation titles. Dietz (1995) conducted an extensive analysis on
titles of scientific texts. Finally, Berkenkotter and Huckin(1995) and
Busch-Lauer (1997) analysed the conventions of title writing in
scientific research articles. They revealed in their studies that newer
titles are semantically richer and are characterised by an increasing
syntactic fullness. In connection with this, Berkenkotter and Huckin
commented that stating the results of an investigation in the title of
the article is becoming very common.

Detailed task: What are the key details?

"Noticing" task

In a preliminary investigation, Dudley-Evans (1984) ____________

dissertation titles. Dietz (1995) __________ an extensive analysis
on titles of scientific texts. Finally, Berkenkotter and Huckin(1995)
and Busch-Lauer (1997) _________ the conventions of title writing
in scientific research articles. They __________ in their studies
that newer titles are semantically richer and are characterised by an
increasing syntactic fullness. In connection with this, Berkenkotter
and Huckin ____________ that stating the results of an
investigation in the title of the article is becoming very common.
Consciousness-raising task
In a preliminary investigation, Dudley-Evans (1984) focused on
dissertation titles. Dietz (1995) conducted an extensive analysis on
titles of scientific texts. Finally, Berkenkotter and Huckin(1995) and
Busch-Lauer (1997) analysed the conventions of title writing in
scientific research articles. They revealed in their studies that newer
titles are semantically richer and are characterised by an increasing
syntactic fullness. In connection with this, Berkenkotter and Huckin
commented that stating the results of an investigation in the title of
the article is becoming very common.

What is the general function of the underlined words?

Reporting verbs they are used to refer to the work or ideas of other
people (specifically, in an academic context, other writers)
Reporting verbs can be divided into
three functions, to indicate:

Complete exercise 11 (Hewings, 2012: 51)

Three functions of reporting verbs: key
What writers did in What writers found in What writers thought
their research their research or said in their writing
e.g. study, measure, use e.g. find, observe, show e.g. think, believe, write,
carry out demonstrate argue

examine discover claim

explore establish consider

investigate prove note

focus on reveal point out

conduct suggest

analyse comment
Checking task
Complete exercise 4 (Hewings, 2012: 53)
Production task
Write three sentences from your assignment
research using reporting verbs to refer to the
work of the authors.

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