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Opiate Addiction

Brent Rogers
April 2017
What are Opiates?
The earliest reference to opium growth and use is in 3,400
B.C. when the opium poppy was cultivated in lower
Mesopotamia (Southwest Asia).
Opiates come from nature much like most other drugs that are
widely used.
The main source of opium is from the poppy plant. But there
are synthetic opiates that can be manufactured as well.
Growing Opium.
Today, heroins long journey to drug addicts begins with
the planting of opium poppy seeds. Opium is grown
mainly by impoverished farmers on small plots in
remote regions of the world.

It flourishes in dry, warm climates and the vast majority

of opium poppies are grown in a narrow, 4,500-mile
stretch of mountains extending across central Asia from
Turkey through Pakistan and Burma.
Opium as a medicine.
Opium was known to ancient Greek and Roman
physicians as a powerful pain reliever. It was also used
to induce sleep and to give relief to the bowels.

Prescription Drugs.
It has been said many times that Utah has one of the highest
percentages of prescription drug abuse in the nation.
One of the main factors is the predominant religion (LDS) within our
state. Many members of the church dont use drugs or alcohol of
any kind since it is against their belief system. Prescription drugs are
seen as fine to use since they come from a doctor.
One thing they do use as an excuse is that my doctor gave me the
pills so I can use as many as I want. They dont see them as a bad
thing when over used which then leads to abuse.
Also though, pills can be easier to come by than heroin for users.
They can find it in family members homes or buy it off the streets.
Opium as an Illegal Drug.

Opium can also be manufactured into Heroin which is

one of the most widely used illegal drug.
The opium plant gives off the liquid that is then
transformed into the drug.
Most manufacture processes dont happen in the most
sanitary areas or countries. They often use harsh
chemicals and ingredients to purify the base liquid into
any kind of useable heroin.
Heroin comes in many forms, mostly brown cake like, or
black tar.

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