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Idaho Core Teaching Standards &

Danielson Group Framework for Teaching

Jesee Thompson
College of Western Idaho
EDUC 290
What will be covered
Todays presentation will cover
The purpose of Idahos Core Teaching
The purpose of Danielson Groups Framework
for Teaching
10 Idaho Core Teaching Standards
4 domains of Danielson Group Framework for
How the Idaho Core Standards and Danielson
Group Framework relate to each other
Idaho Core Teaching Standards
Idaho Core Teaching Standards define the
expectations of all teachers in Idaho regardless of
their certification or content area.
There are 10 Core Standards
The Core Standards have been grouped into 4 general
categories: The Learner and Learning, Content,
Instructional Practice, and Professional Responsibility.
Each Core Standard is broke down into three areas:
knowledge (teachers understanding of all student),
performance (actions taken by teacher to reach all
students), and disposition (teachers attitude towards
students and their education).
Danielson Groups Framework
for Teaching
The Danielson Group Framework for Teaching
is a tool used by schools and districts to assist
with coaching, mentoring, professional
development, and teacher evaluation
The Framework is broke down into 4 domains
of teaching responsibilities and then divided
into 22 components.
Rubrics providing levels of teaching
performance describe each component and
assist in directing teacher improvement.
Idaho Core Standards

The Learner and Learning

Standard #1 Learner
The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing
that patterns of learning and development vary individually within
and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical
areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and
challenging learning experiences.

Knowledge Teachers understand that every learner has a

different style of learning, different developmental influences, and
different language and cultural challenges. Teachers know how to
use instructional strategies and make instructional decisions
based on students styles, barriers, strengths and weaknesses.
Performance Teachers regularly evaluate students in order to
design and modify instruction to meet each students needs. They
collaborate with all others involved in students learning in order to
promote advancement of student.
Disposition Teachers respect the differences in learners and is
committed to using each students strengths and weaknesses as
opportunities for their own growth.
Standard #2 Learning
The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse
cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments
that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Knowledge Teachers understands differences in approaches to

learning and knows how to design instruction that corresponds to
the strength of each student.Teachers understands students may
have disabilities, giftedness, and/or challenges associated with
language acquisition and understands that students bring value to
because of these. The teacher knows the value of diversity and
how to incorporate it for the benefit of all students.
Performance Teachers design and modify their instruction in
order to reach each student based on their strengths, weaknesses
and needs. Teachers utilize the experiences and perspectives of
students differences in order to benefit all students. Teachers
access appropriate resources to assist with this process.
Disposition Teachers are respectful to all students and believes
all students have the ability to learn at high levels and is
Standard #3 Learning
The teacher works with others to create environments that support
individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive
social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Knowledge Teachers understand that different students excel

the most in different environments. Teachers know how to
collaborate with students and help them to adapt to different
environments in order to be successful, including how to work with
successfully work with peers. Teachers know how to utilize
technology and teaches students to utilize it in a safe and
appropriate way.
Performance Teachers provide students with the resources
needed to help them become successful in differing learning
environments. Teachers utilize a variety of methods to engage
students and makes appropriate adjustments as needed.
Disposition Teachers are committed to supporting students in
different learning environments and helping them become find the
tools they need to be successful in a variety of environments.
Idaho Core Standards

Standard #4 Content
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and
structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning
experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for
learners to assure mastery of the content.

Knowledge Teachers have an in-depth understanding of the

subject matter they are teaching. Teachers know and use the
appropriate academic language to teach their subject matter.
Teachers know how to build on previous knowledge and
experiences, and understands standards and expectations of
learning, in order to expand a students understanding of the
Performance Teachers actively engage students in learning and
expanding their knowledge of specific subject matter. Teachers
encourage students to understand and build on previous content
Disposition Teachers are committed to work toward each
students mastery of subject matter. Teachers recognize the value
Standard #5 Application of
The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing
perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and
collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global

Knowledge Teachers have an understanding of how their subject

matter applies to core subjects as well as other subjects included
in a students education. Teachers understand the real life
application of their subject matter.
Performance Teachers are able to actively engage students in
understanding the practical application of the subject matter
being taught.
Disposition Teachers value the application of content
knowledge to local and global issues. Teachers have an
understanding of how the content knowledge they are teaching
effects other areas of education and life.
Idaho Core Standards

Instructional Practice
Standard #6 Assessment
The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment
to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress,
and to guide the teachers and learners decision making.

Knowledge Teachers understand the range and purpose of

student evaluations. Teachers are able to appropriately evaluate
data obtained from evaluations and know how to engage students
in understanding the benefit of the data. Teachers understand how
to prepare students for evaluations.
Performance Teachers provide the appropriate student
evaluations and are able to effectively utilize the data to identify
students needs. Teachers are able to engage students in utilizing
evaluation data to progress in their learning.
Disposition Teachers are committed to utilizing assessments in
a way that benefits students academic growth.
Standard #7 Planning for
The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting
rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas,
curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as
knowledge of learners and the community context.

Knowledge Teachers understand the content and content

standards and understand the need to plan instruction based on
the strengths and needs of individual students.
Performance Teachers are able to develop learning experiences
that are appropriate for curriculum goals and content standards as
well as adjusted for each students learning needs. Teachers
collaborate with other educators who have specialized expertise in
order to improve learning experiences.
Disposition Teachers value planning yet are able to remain
flexible with their plans in order to ensure students needs and
changing circumstances are being met. Teachers value the
diversity of students needs and are committed to planning
accordingly in order to assist with their success.
Standard #8 Instructional
The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional
strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of
content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply
knowledge in meaningful ways.

Knowledge Teachers know and understand how to apply a

variety of teaching strategies. They know how to differentiate
instruction and engage students in communication, complex
thinking, and meaningful tasks.
Performance Teachers are able to evaluate the needs of their
students and monitor their learning so that they can appropriately
vary their method of delivery in order to accommodate each
Disposition Teachers value the variety of methods needed to
successfully reach each of their students. Teachers demonstrate
flexibility in the teaching process so that information can be
adapted to learner responses, ideas, and needs.
Idaho Core Standards

Professional Responsibility
Standard #9 Professional
Learning and Ethical Practice
The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses
evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the
effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families,
other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to
meet the needs of each learner.

Knowledge Teachers know legal rights of students and

responsibilities of teachers. Teachers know how to self-assess
their performances and make adjustments as needed. Teachers
understand the connection between student performances and
teacher performance and know how to align these connections for
professional growth.
Performance Teachers are actively engaged in professional
development and utilizes available data to develop and modify
planning and practices.
Disposition Teachers understand and value the connection
between their continued learning and the ability to effectively
educate students.
Standard #10 Leadership and
The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to
take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners,
families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community
members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
Knowledge Teachers know how to work with other adults and
professionals in order to contribute to a common culture. Teachers
understand the importance and role of a school in the community.
Performance Teachers actively collaborate with other
educators, professionals, and members of the education
community in order to improve the students experience and
Disposition Teachers take initiative and responsibility for the
success of their school, their colleagues and the advancement of
the teaching profession.
Danielson Group
Framework for Teaching
Domain 1: Planning and
1a Demonstrating 1d Demonstrating
Knowledge of Knowledge of
Content and Resources
Pedagogy 1e Designing
1b Demonstrating Coherent
Knowledge of Instruction
Students 1f Designing
1c Setting Student
Instructional Assessments
Domain 2: Classroom
2a Creating an
Environment of
Respect and
2d Managing
Student Behavior
2b Establishing a
2e Organizing
Culture for
Physical Space
2c Managing
Domain 3: Instruction
3a Communicating
with Students
3d Using
3b Using Assessment in
Questioning and Instruction
3e Demonstrating
Flexibility and
3c Engaging Responsiveness
Students in
Domain 4: Professional
4a Reflecting on
4b Maintaining 4e Growing and
Accurate Records Developing
4c Communicating Professionally
with Families 4f Showing
4d Participating in Professionalism
the Professional
Corralate between Idaho Core
Standards and Danielson Framework
Idaho Core Standard Framework
Standard #1: Learner
Development. The teacher
Domain 1: Planning and
understands how learners Preparation
grow and develop, recognizing 1b. Demonstrating
that patterns of learning and Knowledge of Students
development vary individually 1c. Setting Instructional
within and across the Outcomes
cognitive, linguistic, social, 1e: Designing coherent
emotional, and physical areas, instruction
and designs and implements Domain 3: Instruction
developmentally appropriate
3c: Engaging students in
and challenging learning
Idaho Core Standard

#2: Learning Differences
The teacher uses
understanding of Domain 1: Planning
individual differences and and Preparation
diverse cultures and 1b. Demonstrating
communities to ensure
Knowledge of
inclusive learning
environments that enable
each learner to meet high
Idaho Core Standard Framework

#3: Learning Environment Domain 2: Classroom

The teacher works with
others to create
2a: Creating an
environments that support
individual and environment of
respect and rapport
collaborative learning, and
that encourage positive Domain 3:
social interaction, active Instruction
engagement in learning, 3c: Engaging students
and self motivation. in learning
Idaho Core Standard Framework

#4: Content Knowledge Domain 1: Planning

The teacher understands and Preparation
the central concepts, tools
1a. Demonstrating
of inquiry, and structures of
Knowledge of Content
the discipline(s) he or she
and Pedagogy
teaches and creates
learning experiences that 1e: Designing coherent
make the discipline instruction
accessible and meaningful Domain 3: Instruction
for learners to assure 3c: Engaging students
mastery of the content. in learning
Idaho Core Standard Framework
#5: Application of Content
The teacher understands Domain 3:
how to connect concepts Instruction
and use differing 3a. Communicating
perspectives to engage with Students
learners in critical thinking,
3c. Engaging
creativity, and
collaborative problem
Students in Learning
solving related to 3f. Demonstrating
authentic local and global Flexibility and
issues. Responsiveness
Idaho Core Standard Framework

#6: Assessment
Domain 1: Planning
The teacher understands
and Preparation
and uses multiple
methods of assessment to 1f: Designing student
engage learners in their assessments
own growth, to monitor Domain 3:
learner progress, and to Instruction
guide the teachers and 3d: Using assessment
learners decision making. in instruction
Idaho Core Standard
#7: Planning for Instruction
The teacher plans Domain 1: Planning
instruction that supports
every student in meeting
and Preparation
rigorous learning goals by 1b: Demonstrating
drawing upon knowledge of knowledge of
content areas, curriculum, students
cross-disciplinary skills, and 1e: Designing
pedagogy, as well as
knowledge of learners and
coherent instruction
the community context.
Idaho Core Standard Framework
#8: Instructional Strategies
The teacher understands Domain 3:
and uses a variety of Instruction
instructional strategies to
encourage learners to
3b. Using
develop deep understanding Questioning and
of content areas and their Discussion
connections, and to build Techniques
skills to apply knowledge in
3c. Engaging
meaningful ways.
students in learning
Idaho Core Standard Framework
#9: Professional Learning and
EthicalPractice Domain 4:
The teacher engages in Professional
ongoing professional learning Responsibilities 4a.
and uses evidence to
continually evaluate his/her Reflecting on
practice, particularly the effects Teaching
of his/her choices and actions 4e. Growing and
on others (learners, families,
other professionals, and the
community), and adapts Professionally
practice to meet the needs of 4f. Showing
each learner. Professionalism
Idaho Core Standard Framework
#10: Leadership and
Collaboration. The teacher Domain 4:
seeks appropriate leadership Professional
roles and opportunities to Responsibilities 4c.
take responsibility for Communicating with
student learning, to
collaborate with learners, Families
families, colleagues, other 4d. Participating in a
school professionals, and Professional
community members to Community
ensure learner growth, and 4f: Showing
to advance the profession. professionalism
Danielson, Charlotte. The Framework. Danielson Group, 2013. http
Idaho Standards for Initial Certification of Professional School Personnel. Idaho State Board
of Education, Idaho State Department of Education. November 1, 2013.
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