Maryam's Study Guide: MSS Test 2

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Maryams study guide

MSS Test 2
S = scaphoid
L = lunate
P = pisiform
T = trapezoid (top)
T = trapezium (bottom)
C = capitate
H = hamate
H = hamate
C = capitate
L = lunate
Tq = triquetrum
Td = trapezoid
Tm = trapezium
1 = radius
2 = ulna
3 = styloid process of ulna
4 = styloid process of radius
5 = scaphoid
6 = lunate
7= triquetrum
8 = pisiform
9 = hook of hamate
10 = hamate
11 = capitate
12 = trapezoid
13 = trapezium
14 = saddle joint between
trapezium and 1st metacarpal
15 = pisiform bone
16 = proximal phalanx of thumb
17 = distal phalanx of thumb
18 = proximal phalanx of index
19 = middle phalanx of index
20 = distal phalanx of index
21 = 3rd metacarpal
1 --Radius
2 - Ulna
3 - Flexor carpi ulnaris
4 - Extensor carpi
ulnaris muscle
5 - Extensor digiti
minimi muscle
6 - Extensor digitorum
7 - Extensor pollicis
longus muscle
8 - Extensor pollicis
brevis muscle
9 - Flexor carpi radialis
10 - Flexor digitorum
superficialis muscle
11 - Flexor digitorum
profundus muscle
12 - Brachioradialis
13 - Extensor carpi

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