The Poinsettia Project Power Point Presentation

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The Poinsettia Project

In memory of Val J. Vadino Sr.

Our Fourth Grade

December Class Service Project
December 1st - December 23rd
For our first service project, we
will be doing random acts of
kindness for the month of
December to learn about the
importance of respecting and
doing kind things for others-
especially those in our own

Next month, we will cover the

concepts of bullying, teasing,
gossiping- faults that we are all
guilty of and need to understand
that these faults can hurt others.
A Small Token of

Each and every Christmas season, my father would drop off poinsettias to
all of his family and friends as a small act of kindness.
This month, I want to use the term poinsettia to show that we, as a
fourth grade, class can show acts of kindness every, single, day.
Whenever we perform a poinsettia we will record our act of kindness on
our incentive chart.
What Will We Be Doing?
Every Friday, we will have a
service project from now until
They include:
Writing Letters to Sick
Making homemade lunch bags
for senior citizens.
Sending letters to soldiers
Creating awards for other
What Will We Be Doing?

Students, each day, will write in

their Poinsettia Reflection
Journal on the random acts of
kindness they will perform each
This is to see if we can reduce the
teasing, bullying, gossiping, and
picking on other students.
Students will also answer
reflection questions in their
journals based on the stories we
Advent Calendar

We are doing these service

projects this month because we
are reflecting on the season of
Advent or the coming of our Lord.
We will create our own Advent
Calendar to follow each and every
Poinsettia Advent Wreath

We will also be creating an Advent

wreath out of Poinsettia leaves
and write our goals of kindness
for December.
We will highlight the candles each
month to see if we can reach our
goal of performing kind deeds.
What Subjects Tie Into This Project?

Math- Creating our own student survey and recording our Data in a Yes/No
Bar Graph.
Religion- Reviewing the season of Advent, the celebration of the
Immaculate Conception, and the how kindness plays a part in the Holy
Writing- Students will interview their own classmates and take part in a
Problem/Solution writing piece.
What Is Our Goal?

Students need to understand that

random acts of kindness shouldnt
just happen when children/adults
are told to.
How can we improve being better
people in our school, our home,
and our community?
Our Christmas Party 2016

As part of our party this year, we

are going to interview partners
and create Poinsettia Positives
awards for each student. This
requires some student research!
You are going to present a small
speech about your partner and
why you are creating that award
for him/her.

Our goal is to act kinder to others.

We cannot achieve this goal unless we put the work in. Be ready to
respond, reflect, and most importantly SHOW that you can be kind and
thoughtful to everyone.
Poinsettia is a term that we can spread in our school and community when
we achieve our goals of kindness.

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