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All That

Fun Math
Wes Hyman, Connor
Cole, and Ben Harner
Hardy Weinberg Problem
P = the frequency of dominant allele

Q = the frequency of recessive allele

= the frequency of homozygous


= the frequency of homozygous


= the frequency of heterozygous

May be given values in different forms ex.

1%, .01, or 1/100 always work in decimal
Hardy Weinberg Steps
Identify the dominant and recessive alleles and mark down on paper

Always write down or circle in text what you are given and what you need to
know (Identity as both P^2 and Homozygous Dominant as an example)

If given P or Q values use to complete equation (P + Q = 1)

Then calculate P^2, Q^, and 2PQ values using P and Q

If given P^2, Q^2, Homo. Dom., or Homo. Rec.

Then calculate P and Q using (square root)

Use P and Q to calculate 2PQ value

Hardy Weinberg Practice
1. If 9% of an African population is born with a severe form of sickle-cell
anemia (ss), what percentage of the population will be more resistant to
malaria because they are heterozygous(Ss) for the sickle-cell gene?

2. Since we know P = .39 and Q = .61, we can solve for the frequency of
homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive, and heterozygous
Answer and Work
1) f(ss) = .09 f(Ss) = ? 2) P = .39 Q = .61

Q^2 = .09 Q = .3 Homozygous dominant = P^2 = .39^2 = .

.3 + P = 1 P = .7
Homozygous recessive = Q^2 = .61^2 = .
f(Ss) = 2*P*Q 2*.7*.3 .42 3721
42% of the population is more Heterozygous = 2*P*Q = 2*.39*.61 = .
resistant to malaria because 4758
they are heterozygous (Ss)
The Solute Potential of a
Solute potential = -iCRT

i = ionization constant

Sugar or Sucrose = 1

NaCl = 2

C = molar concentration (moles/liter)

R =pressure constant (On formula sheet as R = 0.0831 liter bars/mole K)

T = temperature Kelvin (K = 273 + C)

Answer will be given in Bars

Solute Potential Practice
What is the solute potential of a 1.0M sugar solution at 22 degrees Celsius
under standard atmospheric conditions?
Water Potential
The tendency of water to move from one area to another

Always move from high to low water potential (0 -1 -1000)

Pure water has a water potential of 0 for this reason solutions with lower
water concentrations have a negative potential

Pure water = 0

In terms of psi -

Water potential = Solute concentration + Pressure

= S + P
Water Potential Practice
If solute potential in the plant cell above is 6.25 bars and pressure potential
is 0, what is water potential of the plant cell? What does this indicate in terms
of water movement?
o = observed frequency

e = expected frequency

H0 : Null Hypothesis - What is currently believed to be held true

Observed values are near the expected values

H1 : Alternative Hypothesis - Opposite the Null Hypothesis

Observed values are not near the expected values

Given degrees of freedom table on formula sheet

If value fall in the far upstream region you will conclude to reject the null
Chi-Squared Practice Problem
Steps to follow: Perform a Chi-Squared test to reject or
fail to reject the H0 (H0:The dice is fair)
1. State null (H0) and alternative at a significance level of 0.01
(H1) hypothesis
# 1 2 3 4 5 6
2. Choose level of significance

3. Find critical value

4. Find test statistic

Fre 2 24 38 30 46 44
q. 2
5. Conclude for the problem
using H0 and H1
Standard Deviation
Measures the spread of data on the bell curve

Moving one standard deviation from the mean in both directions (dark blue)

1. Calculate the Mean of the data set

2. Plug in each value and solve

3. Sum the collected values to get standard deviation

Standard Error
Measures the spread of the data

S = standard deviation

n = sample size

Error bars go on bar graph to display the possible range

Simply plug in and solve

Standard Deviation and
Standard Error Problem
Calculate the standard Deviation and the Standard Error for the data set
given. Then construct a graph of the mean of the data incorporating the
calculated error bars (Hint: Mean is 10)
10.9 11.9

12.2 12.2

12.9 12.6

12.3 12.3

12.5 10.2

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