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the art and science of helping adults


Jennifer M. Nailes, MD, MSPH

Differences between child
learning (pedagogy) and
adult learning (andragogy)
Premise #1: Need to Know
Children learn The adults know
without their needs and, in
questioning and a practical way
not knowing the pursue knowledge
use of what they according to their
are taught. needs.
Premise #2: Learners Self-
The child depends concept
the teacher. The The adult acts
system affects their independently, with
self esteem and autonomy and feels
depresses him as his able to learn and
skills are put in doubt. acquire knowledge he
Premise # 3: The Learners
The childs experience is The adult experience is of
not valued but the extreme importance. The
teachers is. Only teachers experience only
supposed to read, serves as a reference
listen to, do the source which may or may
schoolwork and not be valued by the adult.
Premise # 4: Readiness to
The child is always The adult is ready to
ready to learn learn whatever he
wants to learn that is
whatever the
meaningful to his
teacher wants him needs.
to in order to pass
the exams.
Premise # 5: Learning
The child is oriented to The adult aims his
learn subjects with learning towards what
specific contents is meaningful in his
which are considered life-for immediate use,
necessary in the not future use. The
future, according to content does not need
the teachers view. to be organized
Learning is organized according to the
according to the program logics.
program contents
Premise # 6: Motivation

Learners are The adults motivation

motivated to learn by lies on his tendency to
external incentives update his knowledge,
such as grades, an inner motivation, his
passing an own wish to grow, his
examination, failing in self esteem, and
examinations, the fulfillment.
parents demands and
Adult Learning Principles

1. Adults are motivated to learn as they

develop needs and interests generated by
real life tasks or problems.

Adult Learning Principles
2. Adult orientation to learning is life- or work-
Adult Learning Principles

3. Experience is the richest resource for adult

Adult Learning Principles
4. Adults have a deep need to be self-
Adult Learning Principles
5. Individual differences among adult learners
increase with age and experience.
In practical terms
instruction needs to focus more on
the process and less on the content
being taught.
In practical terms
Strategies such as case studies, role
playing, simulations, and self-
evaluation are most useful.
In practical terms
Instructors adopt a role of facilitator
or resource rather than lecturer or
Thanks to my FB friends!

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