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Code Optimization

Introduction to optimization
Code optimization strategy
Standard techniques list
Code optimization summary
Optimization generally focussed on improving
just one or two aspects of performance:
execution time
memory usage

disk space


power consumption or some other resource.

Need for program optimization

Code optimization - best approach
High level code optimization
Low level code optimization
Code optimization strategy
Code optimization - when to begin
Detailed optimization should not be started
before developer completes an initial version of
the code.
Code optimization - where to begin
Identify the parts of the application or program
executed more frequently or which consume
more execution time.
Standard techniques
Common sub-expression/ Code grouping.
Unrolling loop.
Functional optimization
Avoid unused variables and parameters
Finding/Selection of effective algorithms.
Code optimization
The time taken to undertake optimization should be carefully
Optimizing existing code usually does not add new features.
Be sure to ensure that no new bugs are added during
Readability should not be lost after optimizing the
unoptimized code.
Maintainability should not be impacted after optimizing the
unoptimized code.
Be careful when optimizing large programs that already
work without bugs.

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