KSI - Timor-Leste: Transforming Communities Through Sustainable Development and Advocacy

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Transforming Communities through

Sustainable Development and
Vision KSI
To build a new and just society, where all
people live in social equality, peace, solidarity
and ecological harmony .
Important in three dimensions: Ecological,
economic and social sustainability which are all
fundamental values for a society like Timor-
Leste which has been struggling many years for
their freedom.
Ecological aspect of the vision forces KSI to
respond to climate change which has
tremendous impacts on the local communities.
Context in East
24 years of Indonesian occupation
and struggle
12 years of independence
Land insecurity and disputes (due to
colonial legacy and occupation
period )
Ermera district coffee growing
important economic revenue for
Plans to give concessions to
international companies to manage
coffee production
This threatens the tenure security of
The problems:
Insecurity of tenure threaten livelihoods
Farmers can lose access to their land
Lack of pro-poor agrarian reform policies
Unclear agricultural strategies and failed
Risk of private sector benefitting over small
holder farmers
Farmers face barriers in accessing fair market
Farmers face low prices for coffee / price
Conflict in community
What is KSI doing?
Promote sustainable livelihoods: Fair trade and
quality improvements, small loans, savings groups
Promotion of agro-ecological production and
propagation of local seeds
Collective organizing: Cooperatives and Timors
first Farmers union
Community level housing cooperatives
Campaign to raise awareness on land rights with
communities, government and private sector
Advocacy through networks (regional and
national) to influence policy makers
How KSI contributes to Sustainable
Development for the people and
the planet?
Three pillars of sustainability: Economic ,
ecological and social.
Importance of community participation
and empowerment.
Economic sustainability
We are supporting local economic
Promoting of local products :
Organizing local product fairs
Facilitating access to fair markets
Local cooperative become
independent earning 12,000 USD per
Value added activities
Income generation through
agricultural production
Reducing dependence external inputs
in agricultural production
Ecological Sustainability
Agro-ecological models of
production (composting and
soil management)
Sustainable coffee
management and harvesting
(promote organic)
Promote biodiversity through
local seed saving
Disaster Risk Reduction
Social Sustainability
We promote of indigenous
conflict resolution methods
Empower communities
(Hamrik Mesak) to stand up for
themselves and their rights
and also to influence policy
Enable collective organizing
Strengthen bargaining with
coffee buyers (negotiate price)
Reduce tension and conflict in
Empower community groups- Ex.
Farmers Union active in influencing
national land law
Economically viable coffee cooperative -
Farmers Union and Cooperative members
have been elected to local government
Improved food security
Access to improved housing
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