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Ways which cinematography is seen in movies is by the use of

the camera to create a meaning. Cinematography is made of
camera shots, movement and angles which create some sort of
effect or meaning within the audience.

Some camera shots are long shot, close up, extreme close/long
shot, over the shoulder shot etc...
Some angles are birds eye, low angle and high angle.
Some movements are pan, tracking, zoom, tilt.

This is a example of a long shot.

The long shot here is of a country side
with a house in the distance.
The long shot is often used to showcase
the location of filming.
The meaning of M-E-S is simply anything
found in in the scene or set at the time of

For instance, props, costume, lighting, facial

expressions of characters.

The picture is demonstrating the use of

props in scenes, e.g. the books on the desk
would be used as props for some ones
learning. The computer would also be Mise-
en-scene as it is on the set and is seen in
the picture.
Sound is used in many ways in movies. For instance,
dialogue, diegetic (sound non diegetic sounds, sound
track (music added).

An example of dialogue would be if some one In a

scene would greet some one by saying Hello, how are

An example of diegetic sound is if a radio was playing

and the source of the sound is visible, so the radio
may be placed on a desk.
Non diegetic sound Is where the source of the sound is
not in shot but is added in, for instance a narrators

Editing is the process where the filmed

footage is processed by adding special
effects or simply cutting scenes to the
next. Some examples of editing are
cross cutting, slow motion, special
effects, match on action.

This image is an example of match on

action where one shot would be of the
action and another shot would be of
the person doing the action.

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