Short and Sweet Tea: by Liah, Elisha, Rahaf, Benita, Meline

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Short and sweet tea

By Liah, Elisha, Rahaf, Benita, Meline

Introduction-The Idea

Our idea is to create a completely dissolvable, tea infused capsule.

Over 165 million tea bags are thrown away every year in the UK alone.
Our product is not only environmentally friendly but also user friendly by
saving people time.
The capsule is placed in hot water and melts to make a perfect cup of
We will produce multiple flavours. e. g Camomile/berry
Steps involved to producing the tea bags include materials for tea bags e.g filter paper and tea leaves (there is 9 steps in the process of
making tea leaves).

Steps involved in providing the service include packaging, choosing the suppliers, selecting a name, determining a price advertisement,
through word of mouth and contacting local food retailers .

How to get our product made -

creating a prototype

factors that would influence our tea production
1 the storage space
2 demand
3 how much stock has been sold in the past
4 how much capital is available to purchase the stock
.Steps involved to producing the tea bags include materials for tea bags e.g filter paper and tea leaves (there is 9 steps in the process
of making tea leaves).
Grant 5,000
Sales 400
Total 5400
Equipment 200
materials 1022 2c for capsules 20 c
for tea
22 c per capsule
Sold at 80c each
packaging of 20c
Profit of 5.60 per box
of 10
Wages 3816 3 people at 9.15
Work 5 hours daily
Total 5038
After researching into our market we have found that our target market is people with
middle range income who like tea
Because there is no certain age limit on our product and our target market is so large
we will market this product in as many places as possible.
This will mainly be in supermarkets and online
We have created an Instagram account @shortandsweettea
Advertisements will be placed on other social media sites such as Facebook, twitter
and snapchat
We will ask other tea related businesses to help us with piggy back selling
We will offer a 2 for 1 offer during the start of our business to get it up and running
Our survey helped us find out more about our target market and more people became
aware of the products which was a huge benefit to our Marketing .

Market Research

Market Research was essential in our project as it gave us valuable

information about what our potential customers thought of our idea.
The two types of research that our group carried out were Field and
Desk research.
We found out that our target market is people of middle range income
who like tea.
We researched into our product to get the greatest reward from our
customers and try to make as much of a profit as possible
Primary Research

For our primary research we did two things:

We created a questionnaire and gave a copy

of it to ours friends and family.

We also contacted one of our competitors

businesses to seek their advice about our
product. Sadly we were unsuccessful as we
never go a response.
Survey Results
For the short and sweet Tea survey we managed to survey 10 people these were the following results:
10 out of 10 agreed that it was environmentally Friendly
70% said they would prefer to pay 8 euro per 10
100% agreed that the product was less time consuming
90% also said they were attracted to the tea capsules in flavor of tea bags
100% said that the product was something they saw themselves buying.
" I fear the product could end being expensive due to production cost"
" I agree its Eco-Friendly"
" I want more information on the size of the capsules"
Evaluation from Survey Results:
Most of the people surveyed have strongly agreed that the product is very Eco-Friendly and many
willing to pay the 8 euro for the product.
Our Aim from here is to use these results in hopes of improving our product.
Secondary Research

For our secondary research we mainly used the internet.

We got information on:
The finance part of our project price of each of our materials and
equipment and sales
Materials-How well it dissolves and taste
The Market Research helped us gain an insight on our target market and
their needs and expectation.
Evaluation and review

In conclusion, we found working in a group difficult but we managed to

work together as a team to achieve an end product
We expected to gain more insight into the business sector. This helped
us see what setting up our own business would be like and how we
would go about it.
The highlights of this programme for us was learning more about what
type of job we would like and what roles we are good at. We learned how
to work as a team.
Price was our main obstacle but we worked through it by increasing the
price and lowering our material costs.

We learned many skills such as communication, teamwork,

finance, production, creativity and sales and marketing.
We developed qualities like initiative, responsibility and
We all enjoyed doing this and we all feel that this was an
influential programme towards our career options. We will all
consider entrepreneurship as a career option in the future.

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