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Writing and Funding

Research Proposal

Prof.Dr.dr. H. Rusdi Lamsudin,

SpS(K), M.Med.Sc
Writing and Funding a Research
Writing Proposals
Elements of a Proposal
Characteristics of Good Proposals
Finding Support for Research
The detailed written plan of the study
Writing the protocol forces the investigator to organize,
clarify, and refine all of the elements of the study
Is necessary for guiding the work

A document written for the purpose of obtain funds from
granting agencies or approval from institutional review
It contains the study protocol and other administrative
and supporting information that required by the specific
agency or board
Writing Proposals
Organize a team and designate a leader
Follow the guidelines of the funding
Establish a timetable and meet periodically
Find a model proposal
Work from an outline on word processor
Review, pretest, and revise repeatedly
Elements of a Proposal
The beginning
The administrative parts
The goals and rationale
The scientific methods
Ethics and miscellaneous parts
Elements of a Proposal
Table of contents
Specific objectives (the research
Ethical considerations
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
It provides the first impression and lasting
reminder of the content and design of the
A good title manages to summarize these
elements, achieving brevity by avoiding
unnecessary phrases
The choice of words in the title is particularly
important because it influence the decision on
which study section (review group) will receive
the protocol
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
A concise summary of the protocol
Should begin with the research question
Set out the design and methods
Conclude with a statement of the
importance of potential findings of the
Be kept within a limited number of words
Should be writing last
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
Table of contents
Biosketches of investigators (2-pages
curricula vitae)
Resources, equipment, and physical
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
The goals and rationale
Specific objectives
statements of research question using a
format that specifies the desired outcome
Should be described in one or two sentences
To determine whether coffee drinking is a risk
factor for fibrocystic breast cancer
To describe the prevalence of coffee consumption,
and fibrocystic breast cancer, in middle-age U.S.
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
The goals and rationale
Sets the proposal in context
Describing the background in the field under study
It should be written, as much as possible, in a way
that is comprehensible to someone who is not an
expert in that field
Enough information should be given to make clear
what this particular study will accomplish and why it
is important
How, specifically, will the study benefit patients,
advance understanding, or influence policy?
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
The goals and rationale
The purpose of this section is to
demonstrate that investigator understand
what has been accomplished, what the
problems are, and what needs to be done.
Usually, a critical review of the best and
most recent 20 or 30 reference will suffice
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
The goals and rationale
The preliminary studies and competence of the
Should describe relevant previous work by the
investigator, making reference to detailed reports and
reprints in the appendices
Emphasis should be placed on the importance of the
previous work and on the reasons why it should be
continued or extended
This is also good place to put one or two paragraphs
about each investigator, emphasizing background,
previous research experience, and skills pertinent to
the proposed research
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
The goals and rationale
Pilot studies that support the research
question and the feasibility of the study are
important to many types of proposal,
especially when the research team has little
previous experience in the area to be
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
Overview of design
Study subjects
Pretest plans
Statistical issues
Quality control and data management
Timetable and organizational chart
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
Overview of design
Time frame and nature of control
Study subjects
Selection criteria that specify the target and
accessible populations
Design for sampling and plans for recruiting
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
Main predictor variables (intervention, if an
Potential confounding variables
Outcome variables

Statistical issues
Approach to statistical analyses hypotheses
Sample size estimates
Elements of a Proposal (conts)
A realistic work plan
Organizational chart
Characteristics of a Good Proposal
Overall quality of the study
Good research question
Appropriate and efficient design
Rigorous and feasible methods
Qualified research team
Specific sections
Quality of the presentation
Characteristics of a Good Proposal
Overall quality of the study
Specific sections
Informative title
Self-sufficient and convincing abstract
Specific aims that state the research
question clearly
Scholarly and pertinent background and
Quality of the presentation
Characteristics of a Good Proposal
Overall quality of the study
Specific sections
Relevant previous work, expertise, pilot
Appropriate population and sample
Appropriate measurement and
intervention methods
Good pretest and quality control plan
Quality of the presentation
Characteristics of a Good Proposal
Overall quality of the study
Specific sections
Adequate sample size
Scientifically sound analysis plan
Ethical issues well address
Tight budget
Realistic timetable
Quality of the presentation
Characteristics of a Good Proposal
Overall quality of the study
Specific sections
Quality of the presentation
Clear, concise, well-organized
Helpful table of contents and
Good schematic diagrams and tables
Neat and free of errors

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