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A PST Program for Staying Motivated

What is PST? at the Gym Survey Questions

1. What is your gender?
Psychological skills training
Problem 2. What is your age?
(PST) is a systematic and
consistent practice of mental
From the results Tracy,
of our survey,Jill
we Haram, & Laura
found that many people Beinborn
who are working out in 3. In what setting do you work
fitness center settings are easily discouraged by others around them. Many people out the hardest/best?
strategies in order to enhance
work out better in an empty gym. These people are easily discouraged from 4. Do you go to the gym on a
performance, increase
comparing themselves to others at the gym. regular basis (3-7 days a
enjoyment, or achieve more
week). If not, please specify
self-satisfaction. PSTs include
Phases and Timeline why.
behavior modification,
There are three phases of a PST program: 5. What motivates you to go to
cognitive theory and therapy,
the gym?
goal setting, and progressive
Educational athletes need to realize how important a PST program is. Explain to 6. How do you stay motivated
muscle relaxation. PSTs allow
the participant the importance of a PST program and how it could benefit them while at the gym?
athletes to have higher
through one-on-one meetings. Explain the components of the program (goal setting, 7. What demotivates you the
concentration, lower anxiety,
imagery, and self-talk). Start small while working out at home, and set a goal. most?
and higher confidence. The
8. What discourages you while
most useful types of PSTs
Acquisition focuses on strategies and techniques for learning the different at the gym?
involve, imagery, self-talk, and
psychological skills. Participants will learn the new techniques. Explain how these 9. Do you set goals?
increased motivation and
techniques will be used to help participants stay motivated and avoid 10.Do you use incentives?
commitment (goal setting).
PSTs allow athletes to improve discouragement at the gym. Make sure the participant knows why they are doing
what they are doing. Our Recommendations
their mental toughness.
We recommend that
Practice focuses on automating skills through overlearning, integrating participants start small and
The objective of our study is
psychological skills, and simulating the skills needed for actual competitions. work their way up. Participants
to create a PST program for
Participants will actually use the skills that they have learned. They will use them with should set goals, and record
college males and females
help from administrators, and then their goals. Record keeping is
aged 18 to 65 who want to Wee Week 1 Week 2 on their own. Participants
Week 3 will also keep
Week a 4
very important in this PST
be physically active, but are k logbook to make sure they are staying on track and to report how the program is
going.Participant will program. It allows participants
discouraged easily by others Plan Participant will go Participant will go to Participant will
to be reminded of their goals
while at the gym. start working out to the fitness the fitness center for go to the
and use those reminders to
This program will be 4 weeks at home. center one to two all but one of their fitness center
motivate themselves.
long. Participant will times per week, workouts, and will every time they
Recording goals and progress
This program will help to have a work out not at peak gym also seek help from a go to work out.
also holds participants
provide people who are partner. times. personal trainer.
accountable. We also would
trying to become fit, the Participant will
recommend having someone to
motivation and the drive that follow a written Goal setting work out with. It is easier to
they need to reach their work out.
Participants will set long-term and short term goals. Short term goals could be stay motivated if participants
goals, through self-talk and goals such as go to the gym every week. Long term goals could be goals such as lose have someone else with them
goal setting. 30 pounds. These goals will also be SMART goals. SMART goals are specific, to hold each other accountable.
measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
Participants will set outcome goals (focus on the end product) and task goals Caldwell Hooper, A., Bryan, A., & Hagger,
M. (2014). What keeps a body
(focuses on improving relative to past performances); however, task goals will be moving? The brain-derived
more important. The participant will also set process goals to focus on the neurotrophic factor val66met
processes they are using to become motivated at the gym. Participants will record polymorphism and intrinsic
motivation to exercise in humans.
goals and their achievement strategies. Goals should be evaluated each week. Journal Of Behavioral Medicine, 37(6),
Self talk 1180-1192. doi:10.1007/s10865-014-
Self talk refers to what participants are saying to themselves during physical 9567-4
activity. Motivational self talk increase confidence, energy, and effort by creating a Tod, D. A., Thatcher, R., McGuigan, M., &
positive attitude. When people use self talk to say they can do something, they are Thatcher, J. (2009). Effects of
more motivated to do it, and they do it better. instructional and motivational self-
talk on the vertical jump. Journal of

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