Time Travel

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What is Time Travel?
A concept in which time is traversed
in much the same way that space is
Possibly between parallel
realities and universes
Once confined to fantasy
and science fiction, time
travel is now simply an
engineering problem.
Concept of Time
The indefinite continued progress of
existence and events in the past,
present, and future, regarded as a
whole." [Oxford Dictionary]
Measurement to quantify duration of
Social phenomenon?
Classifications in time
Day and night (moon and sun divided day and
night )
Hours (sundial divided day to hours, 1day=24
Minutes (pendulum watches divided hours to
minutes,1hour =60 minutes)
Seconds (digital watches divide minute to
seconds,1 minute =60 seconds)
Ticks (NIST,Colourado made an atomic watch
counted by bombardment of atoms,1 second=
9,192,631,770 ticks )
Classification of Time travel

Forward time travel (time travel to

Backward time travel(time travel to
Forward time travel

Faster than light theory
Gravity theory
Faster than light

Asynchronous clocks gave result to many

Best example for it is
Einstein developed synchronous clocks , and
believed time is constant
But , Einstein understood that time can run at
different rates and contradicted Newton's theory
on time.
That lead him to the theory of time dilation, time
moves slower for moving bodies than stationary
This theory triggered the possibility of time travel
and was one of the historical theorys ever.
Einstein's theory has been tested again and again.
one example
So , Einstein realized that if we can fly with the
speed of light, the time in our watch stops moving
If we can move faster than light speed , we can
move to the future
But the main drawback for it is , as we know by
Einstein's theory of relativity E=MC^2.
So , it means a rocket needs infinity amount of
energy to attain light speed
Which is practically impossible , so we look for
another theory THE GRAVITY THEORY.
The Gravity theory

Time also depends on the gravity

The time moves slower ,when there is high
gravitational pull
Example- if ram lives in the highest floor of the
skyscraper and Suresh lives in the 1st floor , time
will flow slower to Suresh than to ram , every day
Suresh's watch has 50 micro seconds delay than
Black holes , the final stage of a dying star after
the supernova state has the greatest gravity pull,
even to attract the planet into it.
Time travel using blackhole
Backward travel

Tectonic antitelephone
A wormhole is a hypothetical topological feature
that would fundamentally be a shortcut through
spacetime. A wormhole is much like a tunnel with
two ends, each in separate points in spacetime
The wormhole takes a shortcut between two
different places and different times
By passing through it one can travel both past and
But compared with forward travel , till now there is
no sign of practical physics which can assure the
backward travel
But , wormholes can neither be created nor be
controlled by humans
So, wormhole concept is a bit doubtful at present
Tectonic Antitelephone

Einstein and Arnold sommerfield, proved by

theory physics the existence of a hypothetical
machine , which can send ones messages to
ones past
The Tectonic Antitelephones existence may seem
like a fiction movie , but they were proved by
theoretical physics.
But a Tectonic Antitelephone can only send at
most 6kb of file, which is its drawback

CERN is the atomic research center in Genve ,

CERN consists of the worlds largest particle
accelerator , there is a rumor that it can also
produce a miniature black hole.
CERN has the only chance for the creation of
tectonic antitelephone
The miniature black hole can overcome the
limitations of size
But to send people through the black hole is
impossible, because the input is human but the
output is inhuman
Another way of Backward travel

But we can send the memories of the people to

the past in the similar way of tectonic
So , it is also the time travel to the past
The concept of existence of
backward travel
1. River flow: it states that one cant change any
thing ,even after going to the past ,
every thing is predestined to happen
2. Time Line flow : it states that by changing the
past, the world moves to another time line but
can also lead to the same future unless the
divergence is greater than 1%
Some popular movies regarding
time travel
Back to the future
Aditya 369
The research on time travel started around 40
years ago and is still going on

Those who control time,

controls the world

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