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Daniel Bridges

Classroom Management Plan

Fifth Grade
Classroom Rules
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Always be focused on learning.
Be an active member in helping make other rules.
An individual point system will be used to give students rewards like:
extra points, line leader privileges, board erasing privileges, free
time in my classrooms technology station, and calls home.
A group point system will be used to give students rewards like:
recess, social events, and periods of free time at the end of the day.
Non verbal warning
Verbal warning
Removal of a point
Removal of a point and a situation report
Removal of a point and a call home
Removal of a point and parent teacher conference
Administration involvement
Loss of recess, social events, and periods of free time at the end of
the day.
Situation Report Questions
What did you do today that has you filling this report out?
Do you consider what you did today appropriate for school?
Would you do it again?
Documentation of Behavior
I will keep track of student behavior with a
Microsoft Excel line graph. Not only will I be
tracking negative behavior, but I will also track
good behavior as well.

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