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Rounding Numbers

By: Joshua Ellison


What is
What is Rounding?

A method used to shorten #s

Increase/Decrease to the next

Makes it easier to describe & understand

Simpler numbers are easier to calculate

Easier to estimate answers to math questions

Identifies mistakes in math work


A point of destination on a number line


a jar of pennies labeled with 100 pennies

next to a much larger unlabeled jar of pennies.
In this example, knowing the volume that 100
pennies take up can help in estimating how
many pennies are in the larger jar.
*standard known quantity by which other quantities can be measured
Benchmark Example 1
Benchmark Example 2
Number (0 or
Digit 10)
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 10
6 10
7 10
8 10
9 10
10 10
Rounding Rap

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