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Civics in Action Boston

How can an urban school market itself better to larger
Holdine Dumel
Problem, Question, and Hypothesis
As a class we examined many problems we could address as youth in

We saw a problems about Boston schools need a change in the way

they present themselves to the public.

Our question was how can urban schools markets themselves better?

We created a strategy map that stated a hypothesis: if schools create a

better website, then people will get a better image of the school.
Major Research
Findings from Survey
We surveyed students from the
Holmes Elementary school in

We asked 10 students the

following questions about how
they want to rate their school..

We learned from the survey that

the kids want to improve their

This helps us answer the research

question by asking the kids
about the school.
I went to the Holmes two times, they were on 2016, 2017

While we were there, we talked to the student councils, and we I

learned working with them would help us create the website for the

This ties to our research question because the more we gathered well
give us an idea to our research question
Survey Result:
Top Ten Reasons
You Should Choose The Holmes
Teachers were asked for the student to take a survey:
1. They work best with their students
2. They Make their students to understand the lesson of the day
3. They care about the students safety
4. They put their students education first
5. They are more creative with their work so the students wont get bored
6. Teachers are free to use or their talents in the school
7. There are many opportunities for all students
8. Teachers offer extra help for students after school
9. keep the students happy as they learning
10. Let the students parent know what they are doing in class
Observasation and pattern
Interviews: Question and Answer
We asked the following question to the teachers at the Holmes.


What goals would you like to see in your students?

How would you like to see your student improved?

We received the following answer:


The answers are to active student, more interesting sciences, and growth mindsets towards classes.

This response relates ties to our research questions because the school needs to show students growing in
this area in order to better marketing the
Interviews: Question and Answer part 2
We asked the following question to the students at the Holmes.


What goals would you like to see in your students?

How would you like to see your student improved?

We received the following answer:


The answers are to active student, more interesting sciences, and growth mindsets towards classes.

This response relates ties to our research questions because the school needs to show students growing in
this area in order to better marketing the
Recommendations for the rebranding of the Holmes school

Create a website that shows the good things that are happening.

Get the students council involved in the donating of stories to the


Work with high school students leaders from other schools in the
development of the website

Dont depend on BPS to market the school for you, you must do it

Rebranding the school depends on a strong photography, web

development, and reporting activities happening at school, including
sports and afternoon clubs/activities
The future of the Holmes
Background Information
While researching the topic of school marketing. We discovered that the
public school doesnt provided more information on the Holmes School
website to convince people that this school is the right school for their

This mean that the people make the school a better safe place.

A website is created by the students is the best survey of marketing the


In the article, Telling Your Story: We learn this background A Toolkit for
Marketing Urban Education by National School Boards Association
Council Of Urban Boards Of Education

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