Rezim Lingkungan Hidup Di ASEAN

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Tata Kelola Lingkungan

Hidup di ASEAN
Komunitas Sosial Budaya ASEAN 17 Maret 2014
Agenda LH di ASEAN

donor &

n LH di
The importance, if not urgency, of conserving the
region's resources and protecting its environment;
Any drastic and irreversible reduction in the
region's resources or degradation of its environment
willhave far-reaching implications for the region's
ecosystem and quality of life.

(ASEAN Secretariat. 1994. From Strength to Strength

ASEAN Functional Cooperation: retrospect and prospect.
ASEAN Secretariat: Jakarta)
The regional level represents a
critical middle ground between the
global and national scales.
(Andre Dua and Daniel Esty. 1997. Sustaining the Asian Pacific Miracle:
Economic Integration and Environmental Protection, Washington D.C:
Institute for International Economics)
Regional integration of national activities for
sustainable development can be advanced
through measures such as harmonization of
standards, joint development of environmental
management systems, and collaborative capacity
building projects. None of this will happen,
however, without an effective institutional
framework to facilitate it.
Koh and Robinson, in Global Environmental
Governance: Options and Opportunities (2002)
Non-interference/ non-

Consensus-building and
cooperative programs
rather than legally-binding

National implementation
rather than reliance on a
strong region-wide
Kerangka Institusional dan
Kebijakan LH di ASEAN

1995 the 1st ASEAN Environment Year (setiap 3 tahun

sekali, terakhir tahun 2012)
1997 Jakarta Declaration on Environment and
Development Single Southeast Asian ecosystem.
1997 the 1st ASEAN State of the Environment Report

2007 ASEAN Declaration on Environmental

Sustainability (13th ASEAN Summit)
Pembangunan Berkelanjutan diterima sebagai guiding
principle atau arahan utama bagi strategi pengelolaan
sumber daya alam dan perlindungan lingkungan hidup
di tingkat nasional dan regional ASEAN.
Kerangka Institusional dan
Kebijakan LH di ASEAN

A clean and green ASEAN with fully established mechanisms for

sustainable development to ensure the protection of the regions
environment, the sustainability of natural resources and the high
quality of life of its peoples (ASEAN Vision 2020)
ASEAN shall work towards achieving sustainable development
as well as promoting clean and green environment by protecting
the natural resource base for economic and social development
including the sustainable management and conservation of soil,
water, mineral, energy, biodiversity, forest, coastal and marine
resources as well as the improvement in water and air quality for
the ASEAN region. ASEAN will actively participate in global efforts
towards addressing global environmental challenges, including
climate change and the ozone layer protection, as well as
developing and adapting environmentally-sound technology for
development needs and environmental sustainability. (ASCC
Blueprint 2009-2015, Section D. Ensuring Environmental
Kerjasama LH dalam Cetak Biru Komsosbud
(Roadmap for an ASEAN Community 2009-2015)

D.1. Addressing global environmental issues

D.2. Managing and preventing transboundary environmental
D.3. Promoting sustainable development through
environmental education and public participation
D.4. Promoting environmentally sound technology
D.5. Promoting quality living standards in ASEAN cities/urban
D.6. Harmonizing environmental policies and databases
D.7. Promoting the sustainable use of coastal and marine
D.8. Promoting sustainable management of natural resources
and biodiversity
D.9. Promoting the sustainability of freshwater resources
Kerjasama LH di ASEAN
Priority Areas for Regional Cooperation Lead Country/ Subsidiary
Chairperson Body of ASOEN
Addressing global environmental issues (MEAs) Thailand AWGMEA
Promoting sustainable development through Brunei AWGEE
environmental education and public
Promoting environmentally sound technology Malaysia ASEAN
Promoting quality living standards in ASEAN Indonesia AWGESC
cities/ urban areas
Harmonizing environmental policies and ASEAN ASEAN
databases Secretariat Secretariat
Promoting the sustainable use of coastal and Vietnam AWGCME
marine environment
Promoting sustainable management of natural Thailand AWGNCB
resources and biodiversity
Promoting the sustainability of freshwater Philippines AWGWRM
Responding to climate change and addressing Thailand AWGCC
its impacts
Land and forest fires and transboundary haze Mechanism discussed below
Persoalan Lingkungan
Hidup di ASEAN
Konservasi Keanekaragaman

1985 ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation

of Nature and Natural Resources.
1999-2005: ASEAN Regional Centre for
Biodiversity Conservation (ARCBC) proyek
yang didanai oleh Uni Eropa.
2005-sekarang: ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
(organisasi permanen)-diresmikan pada
IMMEA ke-9, tanggal 27 September 2005.
ACB Biodiversity Information Sharing
(ASEAN Clearing House Mechanism)

Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM) atau Balai

Kliring pada Konvensi Keanekaragaman Hayati (COP
10 UNCBD & Protokol Cartagena) adalah sebuah
jaringan yang terdiri dari pemerintah, LSM, lembaga
riset dan universitas dalam rangka memfasilitasi
kerjasama teknis dan keilmuan melalui pertukaran
Indonesia memiliki Balai Kliring Keamanan Hayati
Indonesia (BKKH)/ Indonesian Biosafety Clearing House
yang memfasilitasi pertukaran informasi ilmiah, teknis,
lingkungan hidup, dan hukum tentang, dan yang
berpengalaman dengan organisme hasil modifikas
ASEAN Heritage Parks
Perdagangan Satwa Liar

CITES-listed species (September 2009)

Enforcement Network
Jaringan penegakan hukum satwa liar terbesar di dunia,
melibatkan polisi, dan lembaga LH dari 10 negara anggota
ASEAN (intergovernmental)
ASEAN-WEN diluncurkan bersama ASEAN Regional Action Plan
on Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora (2005-2010) oleh menteri-
menteri ASEAN yang bertanggung jawab untuk implementasi
CITES pada bulan Desember 2005.
ASEAN-WEN didanai oleh USAID, U.S. Department of State, dan
kontribusi dari negara anggota ASEAN.
If trends continue, scientists predict 13 to 42 percent of the
ASEAN regions animal and plant species could be wiped out
this century. At least half of those losses would represent global
extinctions. (ASEAN-WEN)
Kabut Asap (Transboundary

1995 ASEAN Cooperation Plan on

Transboundary Pollution
1996 Regional Haze Task Force
and Regional Haze Action Plan
2002 ASEAN Agreement on
Transboundary Haze Pollution
(legally-binding treaty) Indonesia
belum ratifikasi
2013 ASEAN Sub-regional Haze
Monitoring System belum
Kerangka Organisasional
Kerjasama Penanganan Haze di
Beberapa Pertanyaan
1. Apakah upaya-upaya ASEAN dalam
merespons tantangan LH di kawasan Asia
Tenggara sudah tepat dan efektif?

2. Apa pengaruh The ASEAN Way dalam

kerjasama LH di ASEAN?

3. Menurut Anda apa yang menjadi hambatan

terbesar dalam kerjasama LH di ASEAN?
Kesimpulan Tata Kelola
Lingkungan Hidup di ASEAN

Komitmen yang semakin menguat terhadap norma-norma

to norms of stewardship, pembangunan berkelanjutan dan
and tanggung jawab ekstrateritorial (extra-territorial
responsibility/ responsibility beyond borders).
Minimnya implementasi prinsip-prinsip dan deklarasi
lingkungan hidup yang telah disepakati.
Kurangnya pendanaan dan kapasitas/keahlian teknis
untuk implementasi.
Inkoherensi kebijakan yang tetap memprioritaskan
kepentingan ekonomi dan korporasi di atas kepentingan
lingkungan hidup.
Kesimpulan Tata Kelola
Lingkungan Hidup di ASEAN

Prinsip ASEAN Way dan non-interference dalam krisis

lingkungan hidup sangat menghambat tercapainya
penyelesaian yang riil dan cepat.
Tidak adanya mekanisme penegakkan hukum regional
(law enforcement measures) ciri dari thin
institutionalism membuat negara-negara ASEAN
menggampangkan komitmen LH karena tahu bahwa
komitmen-komitmen tersebut tidak sepenuhnya harus
Prinsip non-interference apakah masih relevan atau
mulai tergerus dengan dinamika tata kelola lingkungan
hidup di ASEAN?
Transboundary Haze
Pollution Bill
Extraterritoriality, criminal liability, and civil

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