Triptico Ingles Electronic Engineering

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Republica Bolivariana de
Student Profile Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular

At Simon Bolivar university, the de Venezuela
aim is to reinforce the
following values and qualities U.E. San Francisco de Sales
that must be possessed by the
electronic engineer Ingles
Personal qualities
Ability to establish adequate
Study Areas
interpersonal relationships
Electrical and electronic networks
High ethical values Analysis of electrical circuits
Electronic circuits
Acquisition, processing and industrial control
Ability of abstract reasoning Electronics devices

Ability to solve numerical Telecommunications

problems Signals and systems
Capacity for analysis and
Electromagnetic Theory
Wave Theory
capacity for teamwork Basics of telecommunication

Self-learning ability
Digital electronic
Digital Circuits
Academic Skills Architecture of the computer
Solid preparation in basic
Computers networks

Efficient methodology for Systems
study and work Control systems

Project Management
Strategic project management
Project evaluation
Project Laboratory
Electronic Ing. In the USB
Electronic Engineering
Electric engineering is the field of
knowledge that studies the electrical The main objective of the career of
and magnetic phenomena of Electronic Engineering in Simon
materials, to apply them in the Bolivar university is to train a
design, fabrication, analysis, professional capable of performing
functioning, maintenance and Repair in the different fields of this
of devices and electronic systems engineering, both actually and day-
that contribute to improve the life of by-day developing, with the
the human being. possibility of adapting to the
constant and giant advances that
occur in this area of knowledge and
While electronic engineering is the existing globalization in our
the field of knowledge that days.
uses electromagnetic
phenomena as a means to Why? The curriculum includes a solid basic
manage, process, and training in mathematics, physics and
transmit information; The computer principles and in the areas
electrical engineer is in charge Electronic engineering is very of the career, such as circuits and
of the production, distribution important in our society as it is electrical, electronic and digital
for the use of the electric responsible for solving problems systems, signal processing,
energy. such as industrial process control communications, control and
the transformation of electricity for electromagnetism.
Sources of Employment the operation of various devices
Communications companies and has application in the industry, In the last quarters of the course,
(CANTV, Telefonica, Digitel, Inter..) in telecommunications design through the selective subjects, the
instrumentation analysis student has the opportunity to
Industries of production of goods Electronics, micro controllers and deepen in one or more specific
and services (CORPOELEC, microprocessors. areas.
Hidrocapital, Procter and Gamble,
Empresas Polar)

Financial entities

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