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Presentation of nursing

Group III
Class. Reg XVI B

Name : 1) Arga Frenada

2) Cristin Agustia
3) Doni
4) Kristian
5) Nasrullah
6) Supirman
7) Oktaviani
8) Yuprilianto
9) Windi Elpanto
Traditionally, intervention or care plan is defined as a document
hand written in solving problem, pupose, and interventions. As
mentioned earlier, the nursing plan is a method of communication
about nursing care to clients. Every client who requires nursing care
need a good planning.

Planning includes the development of strategies designed to

prevent, reduce or correct the problems identified in the nursing
diagnosis. This stage begins after determining nursing diagnosis
and concluded the plan documentation (Iyer, Taptich&bernocchi-
Losey, 1996)
Purpose of intervention
The purpose of the plan of care is to provide nursing
actions based on client response to health problems, and
prevent new problems that will arise.

The purpose of the intervention is as an introduction to

set or design maintenance actions based client response
to health problems, with the goal to prevent, eliminate or
minimize the causes which affect health status.
To be continous. .

Documentation purposes the planning stage:

As a framework for the implementation of nursing

It is the core of nursing documentation problem-
As a reference in making modifications to the nursing plan
Means of communication in the nursing team
delegation of tasks / nursing instruction
As the cornerstone of ilmiahyang logical and
systematic in doing nursing care to patients.
For all the plan of action could have been adjusted
so that the client's condition effectively.
Type of Intervention

a) Therapeutic Intervention
Therapeutic action is a direct nursing care in accordance
with the state of the client. Nursing plan that more than
one must be done sincerely in order of priority problems in
nursing diagnoses.

b) Intervention stabilization / observation

This process requires the sharpness of observation nurses
including evaluating skills are right at the top. The program
is more than a very decisive client's health

An important component in
Intervention Documentation
Documentation of intervention identified, why something happens to the client,
what happened, when, how, and who intervened.

Why: should explain the reason action must be carried out and the existing
data on the results of the assessment and documentation of nursing
What: clearly written summary of the treatment / actions in the form of action
When: contains important aspect of intervention documentation. Recording
time to implement interventions are very important in terms of legal
liability and effectiveness of specific actions
How: actions implemented in the addition of more detailed records. For
example, "tilted right / left with the help of a nurse" denotes a scientific
and rational principles of the plan of action. This method will be able to
increase the effort - an effort the use of appropriate nursing procedures.
Who: who carry out the intervention should always be written in the
documentation as well as accountability signature. Interventions that
requires a specific documentation
Interventions that requires a specific documentation


Invasive measures are an important part of the nursing

process, as it requires knowledge of science and
technology is high. For the advanced knowledge needed
in order to increase responsibility in the delivery of
interventions. For example, nurses provide blood
transfusions, chemotherapie, installing cathether. The
above actions will bring a high risk for complications of
the client, which is certainly necessary informed consent
prior to the actions implemented.
To be continous. .
Intervention educate clients
Nurses play an important role in identifying learning
needs of clients. In a plan to educate clients and
maintain its activity report need education. This activity
is carried on - constantly so that clients fully understand
and change attitudes and behavior. If the plan can not be
implemented then it will continue at the next meeting.
Nursing action plan include :

1. Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing diagnoses should be a priority to take care of the client. It
must involve directly at the client's life-threatening situation.

2. Criteria results
Each nursing diagnoses hartus have at least one criterion results.
Expected outcomes can be measured with the expected goals that
reflect the client's problem.

3. Plan of nursing action

Nursing action is to obtain a standalone Java responsibility,
especially by nurses who worked with the medical order based
maslaah client and the client is dterimaantuan the expected results.
Each client problems and expected results obtained at least two
plans of action.
Principles of Effective Writing Action Plan

1) Before writing action plans, review all existing data sources satisfy the data
Assessment as a client in the hospital. Nursing diagnosis during hospital
admission. The main complaints of the client ataualasan in berhuungan with
health services. Supporting investigation. Socio-cultural background. Medical
history and physical examination. Observations of other health team.

2) List and type of actual problems and possible risks. Give priority to the actual
issue which threatens health.

3) To simplify and understandable in memubuat give ganbaran action plan and

(Example) if possible diagnoses especially helpful when advanced technology is
used to perawtan client or when describing the anatomical location.

4) Write clearly specific, measurable, expected outcomes for mentapakan problem

ogether with clients determine cognitive skills, affective and psychomotor that
require attention.
To be continous. .
5) Always signed and dated plan of action, it is perting as a
professional nurse would be responsible and accountable
for melaksanan plan of action that has been written
6) Start using the action plan tindakandengan verb.Catat
vital signs every turn dines. Weigh BB every day
7) Reasons principle specivity to write nursing diagnoses .:
What is the procedure to be carried out. When and how
long. Briefly describe the purpose of what needs to be
met, including the stages of action.
8) Give the rationale of the plan of action.
To be continous. .

9) The plan of action must always be in writing and signed

10) The plan of action should be recorded seagai
permanent thing
11) Client and family if possible be included in the
12) The plan of action should be in accordance with the
time yangditentukan and endeavored to always
modified example dines every turn, every day, or at
any time required.
Criteria planning
1) Formulation of objectives
Focusing on society
Clear and concise
Can be measured and observed
There is a target date
Involving community participation

2) Plan of action
Set techniques and procedures to be used.
Lead on the objectives to be achieved.
Compiled sequentially and no rational

3) Criteria results
Using the right verb
Can be modified

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