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Density of Solids & Liquids Lab

Including the Toxic Death Liquid!

Mass of grad. cyl. = 40.90 g
Volume of liquid Mass of liquid and Mass of liquid
grad. cyl.

14.8 mL 54.88 g 13.98 g

26.1 mL 66.35 g 25.45 g

35.2 mL 75.28 g 34.38 g

46.6 mL 86.63 g 45.73 g

55.9 mL 96.13 g 55.23 g

Mass of grad. cyl. = 40.90 g
Volume of TDL Mass of TDL & cyl. Mass of TDL

14.4 mL 60.51 g 19.61 g

27.3 mL 79.82 g 38.92 g

47.1 mL 105.89 g 64.99 g

57.9 mL 120.46 g 79.56 g

66.8 mL 133.22 g 92.32 g

• Super ball
▫ Mass = 11.35 g diameter = 2.58 cm

• Marble
▫ Mass = 5.08 g diameter = 1.52 cm

• Ball-bearing
▫ Mass = 3.52 g diameter = 0.90 cm
• Metal cylinder
▫ Mass = 56.76 g diameter = 1.38 cm
▫ Length = 5.05 cm material: copper
▫ Volume by displacement: 6.0 mL

• Other cylinder
▫ Mass = 14.85 g diameter = 0.39 cm
▫ Length = 11.69 cm material: plastic
Styrofoam block
• Mass = 1.33 g length = 9.39 cm
• Width = 5.42 cm height = 1.29 cm
• Pretty rock
▫ Mass = 14.01 g
▫ Volume after displacement = 5.2 mL

• White rock
▫ Mass = 9.72 g
▫ Volume after displacement = 3.4 mL
Lab Report – Items to Remember
1. Be neat and precise.
2. Follow organization scheme given.
3. Use only front of notebook paper (no cover)
4. Skip a minimum of 2 lines between sections.
5. Include all units.
6. When notecards are used they should be
stapled onto the back of the report.
Density of Solids and Liquids
Bob the Man


3 paragraphs:
 First is objectives
 Second is procedure
 Third are results (no conclusions, no data
• To practice data collection using proper lab
• To calculate the density of both regular and
irregular solids
• To develop a method of finding the density of a
Vernier caliper, lab scales, grad. cyl., rulers,
• Do not touch the TDL liquid.
• Do not sling lab equipment to remove water.
I. Collect appropriate data for each solid.
II. TDL lab section
A. mass grad. cyl.
B. add approximately 10 mL of water, find volume
and mass of liquid and grad. cyl.
C. repeat to 50 mL
D. repeat with TDL
• Include a complete set of recorded data. You
may use charts but you do not have to. Just
make sure it is neat, well organized, and
complete with units and appropriate numbers of
sig figs.
• You can use the sample data sheet as a guide.
• Must show sample calculations – long section

• Graph will be included here

• Metal cylinder:
▫ Geometric method: 2.7 g/cm3
water displacement: 2.5 g/cm3
% error:
% difference:
• Other cylinder:
• Superball:
• Marble:
• Ball bearing:
• Styrofoam block:
• Pretty rock:
• Other rock:
• Water density (paper graph):
• Water density (calculator):
• % difference:

• TDL density (paper graph):

• TLL density (calculator):
• % difference:
• % error:
• Brief statements about the results. Support
(justify) each conclusion by giving reasons used
to reach that conclusion.
1. What generalizations can be drawn from
2. Any application value?
3. State relationship between dependent and
independent variables.
• Discuss the knowledge gained in doing the lab.
1. Give differences between predictions and
2. Include observations made.
3. How could you reduce error in experiment.
4. Ask any questions you have here.
5. Answer all lab questions (found the in pre-lab

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