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Title : Make Procedure Text

Name : Shandro Eka Wijaya
Class : TI B SORE
Nim : 14-111-3244
How to copy data from
flashdisk to laptop

Materials :
1. Laptop
2. Flash Disk
Steps :
1. First of all , you must make sure that you have
enough space memory in your laptop.
2. Next, plug the flash disk to your laptop .
3. Create a new folder in your laptop.
4. Then , find the data that you want to save in your
5. After you find the data, click to the data , then press
CTRL+ C ( copy) , next CTRL + V ( paste ) to your
folder that you already make it before.
6. Wait a moment, until the data being
7. Last, make sure that the data has been
transfered successfully. If done, dont forget
to click safety remove to your flash disk
( for make sure that your flashdisk clean
from virus ) .
Goal :
I make this , because I care of our next generation,
how if they cant do copy data from flashdisk to
laptop . My Conclusion , I hope this will be useful
for all of us .

Thank You

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