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Human Rights

By CeCe, Kathy, Nana, and Zuli

Equal Rights for Minority Groups

For centuries, people have been put into categories and labeled by their appearance, sexuality, religion,
disabilities, economic class, and ethnicity.

Minority groups are people who are mistreated and discriminated against by the societies that they live in
because their specific label or labels.

In some cases, the government of the countries hosting these societies that discriminate against minority
groups by denying them the same rights as everyone else.

The struggle for equal rights for minority groups has gone on for centuries around the globe, and is still an
issue today.
Persecution of Uighurs in China
There are 56 different ethnic groups living in China.

Uighurs are the biggest minority group, who live northwest region of China.

Their land was taken by the Chinas communist party since 1949.

Uighurs are Muslim.

They dont have freedom of speech.

Their religious activity is strictly limited.

In 2009, they protested, and unfortunately the government arrested and killed innocent men and called
them terrorist.

In 2014, a Uighur scholar (college professor) was arrested, and the government said he wanted to separate
the country.

The representative of the Uyghur people in the U.S. is Rebiya Kadeer.

Donald Trumps Presidency has affected Hispanics, Blacks, and Muslims
1. Before Trump became the 45th president of the United States, during the presidential campaign he was making promises to get rid of all
immigrants, build a wall, and just picking on minority groups like Hispanics, Blacks, and Muslims.

2. After winning the presidential election on November 9th, 2016, many of those minority group voters had fear in their eyes and hearts.

a) Many hispanics were in shock but also were terrified that he would actually go along with his promise of deporting mass number of

b) Many blacks believed that this victory would lead to an acceptance of ignorance towards differents views and beliefs.

c) And finally muslims were terrified that the word terrorist would always define them.
How were hispanics affected? How were blacks affected? How were muslims affected?

- Mexican immigrants were referred to as - Blacks are being racially profiled and are - Muslims being seen as terrorists by
criminals, rapists, and drug lords by being attacked by racial slurs even more Trump lead to his promise of banning
Trump since Trump took office them from entering the U.S.

- Fear, and a lot of it - Fear, and a lot of it - Fear, and a lot of it

- Many hispanics, immigrant or citizen, no - Young black activists are protesting - Many muslims from around the world
matter who you voted for, were all against police killings and racial were affected, for example one young
treated the same, from rude racist profiling, Trump is promising to get law girl was told by her mother not to wear
remarks, to death threats. and order back on track, and to the hijab from fear of her daughter
nationally expand the stop and frisk getting hurt physically and/or
policy in New York emotionally
This is Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos. She is
from Mexico but is also a U.S. resident of Our 44th President, Barack Obama, received This is Ibrahim Rashid. He is a Muslim student
Mesa, Arizona. She has been living in the a lot of discrimination from our current at Boston University. After election day when
U.S. for more than 20 years and has 2 U.S. President, Donald Trump. Trump has said all the votes were in, he decided to wear his
time and time again that Obama was not a traditional Pakistani clothing but an added
born kids. Back in 2008, she was arrested for
impersonation due to giving 2 false social U.S. born citizen but a Kenyan citizen. He feature being a sign that read Im not Scared.
security numbers for work. She was able to posted everywhere especially twitter saying Seeing that trump had won he was terrified for
stay in the U.S. under a supervised release, that Obamas birth certificate was a fraud. what was yet to come because of the promise
which meant she had to check in at Phoenix he made when he became president. This fear
didnt stop him because he didnt let it.
ICE once a year. She did this for 8 straight
years but when she checked in for the first
time during Trumps administration she was
detained. She was deported Feb. 9th, leaving
2 kids behind.
The Effect of Donald Trumps Presidency on LGBTQ Rights
Transgender students lost federal protections laid down by Obama enabling all students to use the restrooms and locker rooms that
corresponds to their gender identity instead of their biological sex. Similar to the gay marriage issue before it was legalized nationwide,
it is now up to states and school districts to determine what is acceptable.

He is openly opposed to marriage equality and even released an executive order to revoke Obamas previous order to protect LGBTQ
citizens from discrimination. As most of the American public already knows: since Donald Trump has been in office, he has appointed
many white supremacists and anti-LGBT advocates into office.

Donald Trump has even published a draft of a religious freedom order that will allow religious organizations to refuse to offer their
services that go against their religious beliefs. This order would encourage people and businesses to discriminate against the LGBT
community. For example: same-sex couples could be denied their right to adopt children, purchase wedding supplies, and even the right
to get married if the person or business did not feel comfortable doing so due to religious purposes. Not only would the LGBT
community be affected by this order, but also women who choose to get abortions.
Homeless LGBTQ youth in America
They are at least 1.6 to 2.8 who are homeless because of their sexual preference.

7% of the Homeless population tend to be LGBTQ youth.

The average age of runaways are from 14-19 years of age

Most homeless youth in America runaway because of family conflict,due to force put out or even being
abused for who they genuinely are.

Teens who are tend to run away are at a very vulnerable state. Making survival hard and emotionally
unstable to the growing mind have many option to seek help. Wither going to a shelter or even seeking
communication with loved ones.

Society tends to shy away from this topic in Human right just because this issue does not fit in the average
cookie cutter life style. But we must stand up and speak out to keep this message on.
What can you do?

In order to keep human rights aware and alive we must continue to speak up, and not
connect with others who are not aware.

By that our group will:

Give handouts

Spread awareness

Open media.

Not become a bystander, Speak up you can change someone's life.

Resource Page ( Kathy Guzman ) ( Kathy Guzman )

"Who are the Uighurs?" BBC News. BBC, 30 Apr. 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.

Hille, Kathrin. "China Says 156 Dead in Xinjiang Unrest." (2009)ProQuest. Web. 3 Apr. 2017.

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