General Presentation 1

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Passion to me is a strong emotion about a
person or thing that can barely be contained

My passion is my family and 3 month old

nephew Ernesto. Ever since i was a little girl
i was taught that nothing comes before family
and I am proud to say this has been my life
motto ever since. I value them more than my
own life and become more passionate about
them everyday.
Respect to me is giving someone your full
attention and taking into consideration there

An example of respect that I show is the way

I treat my mom. Whenever she talks to me i
give her my full attention and never even
think about interrupting her. I always listen
to what she has to say even if I don't always
Integrity in my opinion is having high
moral standards, always being true, and

I highly value my integrity because it

shaped who I am as a person. I consider
myself a very honest and dependable
person with high moral values.
Determination to me is the will to
work hard and accomplish
something regardless of the

I am determined to succeed in
graduating and attending college
while being employed. I am also
ready to overcome the obstacles to
Extraordinary to me is something or someone who
stands out because of their unique will or

An example of an extraordinary person in my eyes

is my mother. No matter what adversity or
disability she faced she always put her children
first and never gave up. She faced and overcame
discrimination for being a first generation
american and proud lesbian which makes her my
main inspiration.

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