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Sqoop components

Use Commandline: the Sqoop shell is used to call Sqoop. In this mode, you have to deploy and run the
Job in the host where Sqoop is installed. Therefore, if you are a subscription-based user, we recommend
installing and using a Jobserver provided by Talend in that host to run the Job; if you are using one of the
Talend solutions with Big Data, you have to ensure that the Studio and the Sqoop to be used are in the
same machine.
Use Java API: the Java API is used to call Sqoop. In this mode, the Job can be run locally in the Studio
but you need to configure the connection to the Hadoop distribution to be used. Note that JDK is required
to execute the Job in the Java API mode and the versions of the JDK kits installed in both machines must
be compatible with each other; for example, the versions are the same or the JDK version of the Hadoop
machine is more recent.

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