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Fiction and Its

Prepared by:
Ms. Joan G. Quilao
Creative Writing
Fiction and Its
Prepared by:
Ms. Joan G. Quilao
Creative Writing
FICTION- is defined as
any imaginative re-
creation of life in prose
narrative form. All
fiction is a falsehood of
sorts because it relates
events that never
actually happened to
people (characters) that
is untrue in the
absolute sense, but
true in the universal

Example: short
Elements of
1. Characters
2. Point of View
3. Plot
4. Setting and
5. Conflict
6. Theme
Character- It can be a
person, animal, spirit,
automaton, piece of
furniture, and other
inanimate object.
- It has the mental,
emotional, and social
qualities to distinguish
one entity from another
of Characters

1. Major (central

2. Minor (peripheral
1. Major (central
is an important
figure at the center
of the storys
action or theme
Types of Major
a. Protagonist- the main
character in fiction about
whom the whole story
- the one who experiences
the conflict in the story
b. Antagonist - a person
who actively opposes or
is hostile to someone or
something especially to
the protagonist; an
Minor (peripheral character)

- whose function is partly

to enlighten or support
the major characters. It
can be a friend or an
enemy in the story.
is the change that a
character undergoes
from the beginning
of a story to the end.
1. Static (major
unchanging: they
remain the same from
the beginning of a
work to the end. (e.g
2. Dynamic (major
character) - A dynamic
character is a person
whochanges over
time, usually as a result
of resolving a central
conflict or facing a major
3. Flat (minor character) - is
the opposite of a round
character. This literary
personality is notable
forone kind of
personality trait or
characteristic. (e.g.
4. Round- is anyone
who has acomplex
Give 2 examples of
characters under
each development.
Static, Dynamic,
Flat, Round
There was a witch who fell in love with king but
the king has his daughter, the princess, who
does not like her so much. The princess always
makes fun of this witch like what she did one
sunny morning. When the witch went to the
palace, the king warmly welcomed her by
giving her a hot chocolate milk with raspberry,
the kings favourite. All of a sudden, the
princess came and poured a cup of chilly sauce
and the witch burst into anger when she drank
it. Not only this, the princess even showered
the witch with dogs waste. The witch was out
of tempered. Despite the feelings she has for
the king, she decided to put on curse the
princess and turned her into a monster.
She left the palace and stayed away from
the people living with strayed animals in
the forest. The king felt pity to his
daughter. He devised a plan to transform
her princess into her real looks. One day,
the king called the King of the Pirates and
favoured him with his group to look for the
wizard living underneath the tallest tree in
the forest of Culiglig where dangerous
monsters are living. In return, the King
Pirate will marry the princess, without
knowing how ridicule and naughty the
princess is.
The King Pirate together with the group of
pirates searched for the Wizard. As they
However, the wizard was reluctant to do the
request of the King because the King was
once an enemy of this wizard. So, he
trapped the group of pirates and change
them into small stuff toys while he turned
the king pirate into an old monster.
The princess and the king pirate were both
monsters now. May be, the king would
take pity of him because he tried his best
just to search for the wizard, so he came
back to the palace to inform also the king
about what happened to his group.
When he came alone, the king laughed at
his looks and instead of allowing him to
marry the princess which is also a
The King pirate was disgusted and felt
embarrassed. He lost his group of
friends and he even lost himself. He
would suicide not he had been
stopped by the maid who saw him
before he hang himself. Though
clueless, the lovely kind maid hugged
the monster and comforted him. The
king pirate as monster felt how
compassionate the maid was. After
telling the story to the maid, the
maid took care of him for so long
that as the days, weeks, months and
Fiction and Its
(Point of
Prepared by:
Ms. Joan G. Quilao
Creative Writing
Point of View (PoV)

- refers to who tells the

story in the story

- refers to where the

idea, thoughts,
Three Kinds of
First Person

Second Person
Third Person
First Person
- uses the pronouns "I", "me", "we".

- Story told by the character in the

story while the readers experience
the story through this person's eyes
and only knows what he/she knows
and feels.

- The reader is able to put

himself/herself or relate to the stand
Ifelt likeIwas getting
The reader
drowned with shamewould
feel that he is the
one experiencing
We are the hope of this
Nation. We are although
the future of
the character in the
this generation!
story is the one
I saw the man hanging with
narrating it.
Second Person
Not sureuses
- speaker topronouns
"you", "your", and "yours".
the message is
addressed; to the
- story told by a narrator who
reader orthe
addresses a reader
person or
some other assumed "you"
or group in the
- You wake up to discover that you
have been robbed of all of your
worldly possessions.

- You, crocodiles of the government!

Sooner or later, your days will
come to an end!

- At times, I look at your pictures

and suddenly tears pour down from
Third Person
- Speaker talks about someone
or something
- speaker uses the pronouns
he,she,it, they, his, hers, its
their and theirs".
- Story told by a narrator who
sees all of the action
(narrate every action of the
- The police went inside the house
and shot my father with a fire!

- He was brave. But few heavy

steps made him weak and made
him cry like a baby longing for
his mother.

Identify the
point of view
used in each
1.I have fought the good fight. I
have finished the race. I have
kept my faith. 2 Timothy 4:7
2. The Lord will not reject His
people; he will not abandon
his special possession. Psalm
3.The lord himself watches
over you! The Lord stands
4. Youare not the kind of guy who
would be at a place like this at this
time of the morning. But
hereyouare, andyoucannot say
that the terrain is entirely
unfamiliar, although the details are

Bright Lights, Big City by Jay Mclnemey

5. Ihave of late,but
whereforeIknow not,lost all my
mirth, forgone all custom of
exercises; and indeed, it goes so
heavily with my disposition that this
goodly frame, the earth, seems to
me a sterile promontory.

Hamlet , William Shakespeare

6. Igazedand gazed
but little thought
What wealth the show
tomehad brought.

Daffodills by William Wordsworth

7. Why would you
get married when
you already have all
the kids you want?

The Courage to Love Again

8. Im done playing the roles other people want me to play.

Who are you now?

9. You hurt us very
badly, but what hurts
worse is not having
you in our lives and
not forgiving.

The Courage to Love

10. I want to hate him and hurt him back.

Loving Yourself
Plot: Conflict
Conflict is the
dramatic struggle
between two
forces in a story.
Without conflict,
there is no plot.
Types of Conflict
Character vs
Character vs
Character vs
Character vs
Character vs. Character
This type of conflict finds the main
character in conflict with another
character, human or not human.
The new one is the most
beautiful of all; he is so young and
pretty. And the old swans bowed
their heads before him.

Then he felt quite ashamed, and

hid his head under his wing; for
he did not know what to do, he
was so happy, and yet not at all
proud. He had been persecuted
and despised for his ugliness, and
Plot: Character vs. Nature
This type of conflict
finds the main
character in conflict
with the forces of
nature, which serve
as the antagonist.
The rain poured out
then everything got
vague. Rough winds hit
us with drizzled with it.
The clouds are mad, it
turned black! Morning
turned to an early
Plot: Character vs. Society
This type of
conflict has the
main character in
conflict with a
larger group: a
Im tired of living in a hole,
said Jenny.
Lets fight for freedom!
cried Bouncer. Well be
soldiers! Rough-riding
Rowdies! Ill be the general
and commander-in-chief!

The Island of the Skog by

Plot: Character vs. Self Conflict

In this type of
conflict, the main
experiences some
kind of inner
Finally, Sams father said,
Go to bed now. But
before you go to sleep,
Sam, tell yourself that
nothing is impossible
when you give your best
Sam, Bangs & Moonshine by Evaline Ness
is an environment or
surrounding in which an
event or story takes place
- It has its three major
components; place, time and
social environment,
-it answers the WHERE and
WHEN questions in the story
It was a gloomy
afternoon in the
west side sea.
The sun was salmon and
hazy in the west.Dodong
thought to himself he
would tell his father about
Teang when he got home,
after he had unhitched
the carabao from the
plow, and led it to its
shed and fed it.
Just before 8 a.m. on
December 7, 1941,
hundreds of Japanese
fighter planes attacked
the American naval base
at Pearl Harbor near
Honolulu, Hawaii
Elements of a


Division of a Plot
Rising Action
Falling Action
main problem or
struggle of the story
that fuels the action
2. Order
sequence of events

Chronological/Linear natural order of the story; beginning to the ending

In medias res begin in the middle of the story
Begin in present return to past starts with the beginning and return to the past events
Types of Resolution
Happy Ending - everything ends well and all is resolved.
Tragic Ending - many events in life do not end pleasantly
Open-ended - no definitive ending or resolution occurs, leaving the reader to ponder the issued raised by the story
Plot is the literary element that
describes the structure of a
story. It shows sequence of
events and actions within a
Division of a Plot (LINEAR)

Climax: the turning point,

the most intense moment
where the characters are
trying to solve the conflict.
Rising Action: the part of Falling Action: all of
the story where the major the action which
conflict is introduced. follows the climax;
realization of the

Exposition: the start of the Resolution: the

story, where the characters conclusion, the tying
and the setting are together of all of the
introduced in the story. threads. The ending of the
Footnote to
Identify the point of view used in each line.
(Group) Think of 10 possible conflicts that a major
character may encounter in any story. Then, identify
what type of conflict they are.
Group 1 Identify the conflict of the story and interpret
it by drawing a poster.
Group 2 Make comics showing the order of the events
in the story
Group 3 Role play the resolution of the story. Then,
role play a new modified resolution based on how you
want it to be.
Group 4 Make a flow chart written the important parts

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