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The Day the Sky Turned into Ash

Rachel DAmato
Pompeii is located at the base of
Mount Vesuvius on the central west
coast of Italy

The land was called Campania and

due to its prime location and natural
resources it was a prize to be won.
The volcanic soil
was highly fertile
and the Gulf
provided resources
and easy trade
Settled because of the fertile volcanic soil,
abundance of vegetation, the gulfs provided
excellent fishing as well as a port for trade.
The climate of Campania was ideal and the
aesthetic beauty.
The land was desired by the Oscans, Greeks,
Etruscans, Samnites, and Romans
The City
Through each passing conqueror new
architectural elements were added to the city.
The Oscans built huts that resembled Roman
The Greeks defensive influence remains
The Samnites rebuilt much of the city when they
conquered and it can be seen in houses that
The Roman influence is the most prominent as
they were the last rulers of the city before Mount
Vesuvius erupted.
Rome left largest lasting architectural mark
Earthquake 62 A.D.
5th of February the earth roared
The people initially thought nothing of it, but
then the city started to crack.
The earth opened up and chasms swallowed
houses and people
Buildings and columns fell
The tremors continued through the evening
and the worst of it was over
17 Years of Peace
The people of Pompeii thought that the worst
was over.
They rebuilt their city, with even more of a
roman influence in the architecture.
When they rebuilt the houses to be more
beautiful and luxurious
Temples were rebuilt even larger and more
The city flourished economically and
physically again.
Eruption 79 A.D.
On the 20th of August the ground started to
rumble again.
On the 24th their was a loud crack as the
crater of Mount Vesuvius cracked and erupted
smoke, flames, blazing mud and rock.
A 15 mile radius of Vesuvius was affected by
the eruption.
The Day the Sky Turned into Ash
Around 2,000 people died in Pompeii from the
eruption of mount Vesuvius.
Only a tenth of the population of 20,000
Many of the residents had been able to flee.
The great earthquake of 62 AD had been
within many of their lifespans and they
remembered how devastating it was. When
the earth began to rumble on the 20th of
August they fled.
Many others fled when they saw the first
showers of ash
The Buried City and Ruins
Pompeii is well known for the preserved body
castings found among the ruins.
The falling ash from the eruption created
castings of bodies both human and animal,
garments and other items
The architecture that remains today is an
eclectic mix of the conquering empires that
ruled Pompeii at various times

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