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Processo Seletivo UFU/2014/2 2 Prova
Why we are losing the
battle to save wildlife
The first ever World Wildlife Day
this week provided few reasons to
celebrate. Whats going wrong?

Last year the UN General Assembly

voted to declare March 3rd World
Wildlife Day, to celebrate the fantastic
diversity of life on earth and remind us
of the urgency and responsibility to care
for and protect it. This date is also the
anniversary of the creation of the
Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES) in 1973.
In recent articles on this blog I have described
some positive developments in Kenyas ongoing
battle against wildlife crime. The Kenyan Director
of Public Prosecutions Mr. Keriako Tobiko, chose
this day to announce a further significant move:
the setting up of a fully-fledged and specially
trained Wildlife Crimes Prosecution Unit.
More good news this week came from Nepal,
which announced a full year of zero poachingof
rhinos, tigers and elephants for period ending in
February 2014. A national level commitment is
key to encouraging complementing efforts, right
down to the grassroots, in order to address this
biggest threat to wildlife said Megh Bahadur
Pandey, Director General of Nepals National
But there has been plenty of bad news too. Last
week on the blog I reported the shameful
decision of a Ugandan court to return 2.9
tonnes of smuggled ivory to the traffickers.
Overall the state of Africas wildlife looks bleak.
Elephant ivory trafficking is at an all time high
and populations are declining almost
everywhere. Tanzanias elephant population
has declined by 66% since 2009. Rhino
Poaching is also rising, with over 1,000 rhino
killed in Africa in 2012. Rhinos are now extinct
The Africa. threat to wildlife in Africa is
from illegal trafficking of wildlife products. This
is now a huge global business, controlled by
organised crime. The reasons why the battle
against the traffickers is being lost are simple
to describe, but hard to put right.
Endangered: ameado(a), em perigo (de
Ongoing: em andamento
Prosecutions: processos, acusaes
fully-fledged: completamente
Poaching: caa ilegal
Grassroots: bases, razes
Plenty: abundncia
Shameful: vergonhoso(a)
Smuggled: contrabandeado(a)
Ivory: marfim
Overall: de maneira geral
Bleak: sombrio
Faa duas leituras do texto:

Faa uma leitura rpida e superficial
do texto a fim de: conhecer o tema geral,
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prvio), palavras cognatas e palavras desconhecidas.

Faa uma leitura mais atenta, buscando identificar detalhes
do texto que auxiliem a sua decodificao: locais especficos,
datas e outras informaes relevantes, que for possvel inferir
a partir das primeiras leituras.
Leia cada pargrafo separadamente e
procure identificar a princpio, duas
categorias de palavras: as palavras cognatas
(em azul no exemplo) e as palavras
desconhecidas, mas que podero ser
inferidas pelo contexto (em vermelho no
Last year the
texto) UN General Assembly voted
declare March 3rdWorld Wildlife Day
, to fantastic
celebrate the
d iversity life earth
of remind
on and
urgency us of the
care for protect to also
date and
it. This
anniversary is
creationthe Convention
of the
of the Trade Endangered
on Species in
Wild Faunaand Flora of (CITES)in 1973 .

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