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Lecture 21
Slide 1-1
Types of Payment Systems

Checking Transfer
Credit Card

Most common form of payment in terms of
number of transactions
Instantly convertible into other forms of value
without intermediation of any kind
Portable, requires no authentication, and
provides instant purchasing power
Free (no transaction fee)
Limitations: easily stolen, limited to smaller
transaction, does not provide any float
Checking Transfer

Funds transferred directly via a signed draft or
check from a consumers checking account to
a merchant or other individual
Most common form of payment in terms of
amount spend
Can be used for both small and large
Some float
Not anonymous, require third-party
intervention (banks)
Introduce security risks for merchants
(forgeries, stopped payments), so
authentication typically required
Credit Card

Represents an account, permitting consumers
to purchase items and allow consumers to
make payments to multiple vendors at one
Issuing banks Issue cards and process
Processing centers (clearinghouses) Handle
verification of accounts and balances
Current Online Payment

Credit cards are dominant form of online
payment, accounting for around 80% of online
New forms of electronic payment include:
Digital cash
Online stored value systems
Digital credit accounts
How an Online Credit Card
Transaction Works

Processed in much the same way that in-store
purchases are
Major difference is that online merchants do
not see or take impression of card, and no
signature is available.
Participants include consumer, merchant,
clearinghouse, merchant bank (acquiring
bank) and consumers card issuing bank
How an Online Credit Transaction

The SET (Secure Electronic Transaction)

Authenticates cardholder and merchant
identity through use of digital certificates

Transaction process similar to standard online

credit card transaction, with more identity
How SET Transactions Work

Limitations of Online Credit Card
Payment Systems

Security neither merchant nor consumer can
be fully authenticated

Social equity many people do not have

access to credit cards (young adults, people
who cannot afford cards)
Insight on Society: The Right to Shop

Digital Divide: Some groups dont have same
access to computers and Internet that others
Digital have nots include:
Households with low incomes.
Those without college educations
People living in rural areas
Seniors over 65

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