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Lasha Kurdashvili

Progressivism - a broad philosophy based on the Idea
of Progress, which asserts that advancement in scienc
technology, economic development, and social
organization are vital to improve the human condition.
Progressives and Populists
More Broad, More Structured, More Urban
Democratic Changes
"the men with the muck rakes are
often indispensable to the well
being of society; but only if they
know when to stop raking the
muck... Theodore Roosevelt
The term muckraker refers to reform-minded
Investigative journalism- watchdog journalism.
Monopolies, corruption, urban poverty, unsafe
working conditions, child labor.
Lincoln Steffens (18661936) The Shame of
the Cities .
Ida M. Tarbell (18571944) expos, The
History of the Standard Oil Company.
John Spargo (18761966) The Bitter Cry of
Upton Sinclair (18781968) The Jungle (1906)
1) Property of married women
2) 20% of women in labor force
3) 130 women colleges
4) of students are women
Main Purpose-Right to Vote
National American Woman Suffrage
Association (NAWSA)
Adoption of Women Suffrage in
Wyoming - 1890
African Americans
Booker T. Washington former
slave, founder of the Tuskegee
Institute in Alabama.
No race can prosper till it learns
that there is as much dignity in in
tilling a field as in writing a poem
William Edward Burghardt "W. E.
B." Du Bois - sociologist, historian,
civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist,
author and editor.
Niagara Movement 1905
William E.B. Dubois
Riot in Springfield Illinois
1909- National Association for the
Booker T. Washington Advancement of Colored People
City Reformers
Samuel Milton "Golden Rule"
Jones - Mayor of Toledo, Ohio
from 1897 to until the time of his
death in 1904.
Civil Service in Police Department,
Parks, Playgrounds, Minimum
Wage for City Employees.

Tom Loftin Johnson - Mayor of

Cleveland 1901-09.
Citizens Meetings, Homing Issues,
independence from outside.
Tom Loftin Johnson
Samuel Milton "Golden Commission plan and manager plan.
Rule" Jones

By the end of Progressive era 400

cities commission plan, 50-
manager plan
Power to state legislators. Poor,
Lazy, Bribed.

Main Reforms:
1) Direct vote for office positions.
(Minnesota first adopted).
2) Secrete Bailout.
3) Petition of the laws.
4) The referendum for approval of
the constitutional changes. (first to
adopt South Dakota 1898).
5) Recall, Taking people out of the
Progressive President
William McKinley`s
association 1901.
Teddy Roosevelt
term, reelected in
Square Deal
The Great White
Regulating Business
Sherman antitrust law fail
Good and Bad Trusts.

Department of Justice over the Northern

Securities Company.

Beef, oil, tobacco trust break.

Trust Buster

Interstate Commerce Commission, Interstate

Commerce Act 1887

Rebates and Unfair charges

Elkins Act in 1903

Hepburn Act in 1906

Health Safety
Unsafe Food Condition.

Muckraking novel the Jungle Chicago

stockyards, sausage ingredients.

The Meat Inspection Act of 1906 Sanitary


The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

Banned the sale of contained food and drugs.

I aimed in the public heart and hit it in the

stomach Upton Sinclair.
Preserving the Environment.
Newlands Act (1902).
150 million acres set as national forests.
National Conference on conservation 1908.
National Conservation Commission.
Booker T. Washington in the White House.
1902 Pennsylvania coal miner`s act.
Campaigns against the Yellow Peril
Gentlemen`s agreement with Japan
William Howard Taft
Domestic Affairs:

Continuing fight against monopolies

The Break Up of the Standard Oil Trust.

Reorganization of American Tobacco Company

The Publicity Act

The Mann-Elkins Act (1910)
The Sixteens Amendment

.Foreign Affairs:

dollar diplomacy or substituting dollars for bullets

Little effect in Asia

Great Impact in Latin America

Split in the Party
Taft`s Mistakes:

1)The Issue with the tariffs.

The Pain-Aldrich Tariff Act (1909) the best bill

that Republicans ever passed

2) The Issue with conservations.

Gilford Pinchot vs Richard Ballinger

Federal waterpower and Alaskan coal

1912 Elections
Roosevelt returns.
Roosevelt vs Taft
New Nationalism program:
Strict on Corporations, give
workers compensation.
Republican split.
Progressive Party. Bull
moose party.
Democratic Party
Candidate Woodrow
Progressive Differeneces
New Freedom
Direct talk in the Congress
Underwood Tariff in 1913
The lowest since 1860.
Federal Reserve Act -1913.
Federal Reserve Banks in 12
Clayton Antitrust Act happy
Unconstitutional Laws.
Three new amendments
17th Amendment Senator
to be elected by the
18th Amendment- the
prohibition, alcohol is
illegal. (by 1917 adopted in
26 states/ratified in 1919).
19th Amendment 1920
(FINALLY) women`s right
to vote. (first adopted in
29 states)
Foreign Affairs
Constitutional Liberty in the World
Brayan-Chamorro Treaty of 1916 U.S.
canal across Nicaragua, U.S. bases.
Haiti and Dominican
Involvement in Mexico Victorian
1914 close to war Venustiniano
1916 Pancho Villa invasion in
Thank You For Attention

Chapters 23, pp 347 - 361

Movies The Magnificent Seven (1960), The Jungle

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