Detailed Class Analysis On Nme - Leeroy

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Detailed class analysis of

music magazine on NME

By Leeroy Magaramiri
Denotation is everything we see. We see Anchorage:
the masthead NME on the top corner and An Anchorage is how images are
the main cover line that says Dizzee referred to. Some of the cover lines Icon:
Rascal, the first word is slanted. We see act as an anchorage towards the An icon is a picture or a person that is
the model kneeling down and his hands main image of the model. The quote representative of something. The model
are spread out wide while having a big that says Im spreading joy around is an icon for his genre of music because
smile on his face. We see graffiti in the the world man! links in with the this is shown through his costume. He is
background of the location that the main image because we can see his wearing a vest with no arms to show his
character is in. There is a quote from the hands spreading out and so the quote muscles because hip-hop singers usually
artist on the bottom. We can see a puff mirrors his hand gestures that he is present themselves as tough and that is
right underneath the masthead. There is a spreading the joy. what makes him an icon. The graffiti wall
tagline and the top of the page. There is a also acts as an icon because it represents
quote from the artist at the bottom. The that the model is badass which the
main colours seem to be black, red and target audience will be expecting.
white. There is graffiti in the background of
the models location. The model is wearing Rule of thirds:
sneakers with red and white writing on,
Connotation: Breaking the page into thirds(both horizontally
jeans with red
Connotation is and white writing
the meaning on, a white
of everything and vertically) so that you can see where the
we andThe
a chain
model round
has his neck.
hands spread hotspots are and the visual points of interest.
out in the main image because it represents The models face and the masthead act as a
his freedom and it shows his happiness hot spot because they are directing the
towards what he does. This will make the audience where to look and where to go next
audience feel as if they are being invited in which can be the title Dizzee Rascal.
by the model and they are to let him please Masthead:
them in what he does. The main cover line Genre: A masthead is the name of the magazine
word that says Dizzee is slanted in the A genre is a set of characteristics. which is usually found at the top of the
same direction as his hand which is pointing The model is wearing a chain round front cover. The masthead of this
upwards to show that his goal is to be at the his neck and that is popular in hip- magazine has got the theme colours of
top. The graffiti in the background connotes hop music because usually in this the front cover so that it blends in well
that the model can also be bad and he type of genre, the artists will be and it is not hidden so that it blends in
breaks rules which tells us a little about wearing some sort of jewellery to well.
him. The quote from the artist Im perhaps show their wealth. The
spreading joy around the world, man! audience of this genre will find this Cover Lines:
suggests that he is quite proud of what he appealing because all they will Cover lines are found on the sides of the
is doing and so this will also intrigue the
Model: want to know is that if he is front cover and they usually tell you who
The audience.
model is the person or celebrity we see wealthy, then he is good enough. the target audience The cover lines are
on the front cover. The model is presenting The graffiti wall in the background featuring similar hip-hop artists such as
himself as a joyful character and through his also meets the codes & Jay-Z which will intrigue the audience as
hand gestures of wanting to get involved with conventions of the artists genre well because they will want to know more
his audience, it makes them adore him even because the target audience will be about them as well.
more and they will feel welcome. assuming that he breaks rules
Main cover line: Barcode:
Mise-en-scene is everything we see in the
The main cover line states the main story A barcode is a machine-readable
frame. The models costume is telling us
that will be in the magazine and it will be code that allows the magazine to be
that he is a gangster like character
in a bigger font size than the rest of the scanned when buying and it is
through his chain and his white vest with
cover lines. The main cover line is the usually found at the bottom of the
no arms and this is supported by the
name of the model. The way it is laid out magazine. The barcode can be
graffiti in the location that he is in. This
will be appropriate for the target found on the bottom right of the
was to give the audience a bit about his
audience because the drop shadow effect front cover and it means that this
personality that he is the person who
and the slanted words are informal which magazine can be purchased through
might do things that might get him into
describes the artists character. scanning the barcode therefore the
Camera: trouble. However the purpose of this front
audience will have no difficulty
The type of shot used was a mid-long Strap line: cover was to show the audience that he
buying it.
shot(MLS) and this is because we can The strap line can be seen at the is spreading joy and so this suspends
see the whole of the models body but bottom of the front cover and next the idea of them thinking of trespassing
not the hands fully. The purpose of this to the barcode. It consists of and misbehaving although it might be
was to show his body structure and to similar artists in the same genre some scheme:
Colour of the things that he does.
make him fill up the page to emphasise to such as Jay-Z in which the The main colours or the theme colours used.
the audience that he is actually audience might be interested in as The main colours used were re, white and
spreading the joy. well. black. These colours seem to be consistent
Target audience: through the whole of the front cover and that is
The target audience are people that the because those might be the theme colours of
magazine is aimed at. The target the magazine and so that that will make it
audience for this magazine are people easier for the audience to recognize.
who are into hip-hop music and this is
Mode of Address:
shown through the model who is a
The mode of address is the way the
famous hip-hop artist as well similar hip-
magazine communicates with the
hop artists in the cover lines. Moreover,
audience. The audience are being
the audience can also be people who are
invited in by the model and they are
big fans of Dizzee Rascal and they just
being told that he is the man of the
want to know more about him. This is
moment through the head line of his
shown through the large font text saying
name and his quote therefore the
Dizzee Rascal which will stand out to
Direct address: audience will gain adoration for him.
the audience.
Direct address is when the magazine or model is Representation:
communicating directly with the audience. In this Representation is the way in which the media constructs
front cover, direct address is present when the model aspects of real life such as people, culture, ethnicity, gender
is looking directly to the camera and to the audience e.t.c. The model is being as a person who loves his audience
which shows that he loves his audience and he wants through the way he is smiling at the camera which makes
to get involved with them. The audience will feel as if the audience adore him. The graffiti in the background and
they are being appreciated by their idol because if his costume are also presenting him as a gangster because
the model was not making any eye contact, it would the way he is showing off his arms and his muscles shows
show that he does not care about the audience that he will be doing things that will get him in trouble,
because he has everything he needs.
Layout: Fonts: Main image:
A layout is the way in which everything is arranged. The masthead and the The main image is the big picture. The
This contents page follows the codes and contents title are in a large
main image is a low angle shot of the
conventions of a contents page. This consists of bold font and the top of the page.
model with the travel coach behind
having the title NME Content at the top of the The Touring Special title is bold
her. This type of shot makes her look a
page and, it is highlighted in a black background text that is fairly big and then it
is followed by the smaller font bit smaller and the coach bigger to
so that it stands out to the audience. We can see show how big of an event this is which
the subheadings of the topics in the magazine size text description. We can also
see that the index has really adds excitement to the audience. The
on the right hand side and they have the page main image is not filling up a lot of the
small text fonts and this was to
numbers and the description at the bottom. The page but it has taken enough space to
fit a lot of the pages in the list.
index is also at the left side and it lists going show the amount of its importance.
The purpose of all this was to
Mode of address: show the audience what is more Masthead & heading:
Mode of address is the way the magazine important and what is least The masthead and the heading
communicates with the reader. We can see the important. For example, the side Contents are at the top of the page.
model in the picture pointing a the coach and bar with the different They all include red, white and black
right underneath it is written Touring Special in subheadings is in a fairly large which are the theme colours for this
which us as the audience that will assume that font size which tells that it sis
magazine. This is done not to cause
she is wealthy and she can afford her own coach more important to look at than
confusion because the audience would
to travel with. The article is starting with thank the index which is in a smaller
expect the house style to be
god which is building a sense of relief towards text font.
the audience because they might understand that Date & issue number:
phrase more. The date of this magazine was 26
Columns: November 2009 and it has been
A column is the division of a page or a text. The page is placed right below the Contents
divided into three parts: the index, the top story and the
side bar with different subheadings. The purpose of this
was to tell the audience where to look first and where to
go next. As the top story is in the middle and the image
stands, they will be drawn to that first. They will then be Mise-en-scene is everything we see in the frame. We can see
drawn to the side bar on the right hand side that has that the picture was taken in broad daylight and the lighting
subheadings of bold white text highlighted with a black of the sun was perfect and this makes the audience assume
background strip which then makes it stand out. Lastly, that she is enjoying life in a nice weather. If the weather was
they will then look at the index because that way, they a bit dull then the picture would seem unappealing. The
can then find a page they want to look at after they have coach also has the same effect on the audience because
seen they will think that she is enjoying her money. The model is
Pagethe recommended pages.
wearing casual clothing with a necklace and a silver wrist
The page numbers are included on the index column
and they are highlighted in black where as the titles ring which shows that she dresses up to show her wealth
were in red. The purpose of this was to show that the which will make the audience envy her. The costume also
title colour was lighter than the page numbers which tells us that she does not want to show her money off too
shows that they were probably less important to look much because she is not wearing anything that is too shiny
at or they were following the house style of the or might see expensive.
There are borders around the image to
Target Audience: make it look like a photograph picture
A target audience is the group of people that and it looks as if it was attached to
the magazine is aimed at. The target something to make it look as if it was
audience for this contents page would be hanging. The purpose of this was to make
those that are big fans of her work because it more creative and so the target
they would be the ones interested in her tour. audience will find this satisfying.
Compare to the front cover, it might just be
those that are interested in music.

Rule of thirds:
Breaking the page into thirds(both
horizontally and vertically) so that you can
see where the hotspots are and the visual
points of interest are. The main image also
acts as a hotspot because it is something that
the audience is going to focus on as they look
at this page. The subheadings on the right
hand side might also act as hotspots because
they are directing the reader where to look.

Captions in picture:
Captions in a picture could be any text that is
found in the picture. We can see a little bit of Anchorage:
captions on the coach that end with An Anchorage is how images are referred This could possibly be the to. The title Touring Special is acting as
coach company or website. The fact that it is anchorage of the image because it tells
not shown fully suggests that it might not be that she will be touring with the coach
that important. behind her.
Layout: Use of space:
A grid layout is the way in which the text is How image and text are Everything is not squished together and
arranged. There is a grid in the text integrated: the text is quite spaced out. The radio and
because it is divided into four columns and The title says from tags to riches the bottles at the bottom do not go over or
this type of grid is called Manuscript. The and riches links in with the behind the text to show that everything is
purpose of this might have to fit in the models leather jacket because it is quite organised and this was to make the
headline and the images below. shiny and bright to show that he is audience focus on one thing at a time.
Font size and type: quite wealthy. The text is also not
Like a news article, the head line quite settled because some of the letter Colour:
large, bold and it stands out. The seem to be sort of wavy. This links On the main image on the left, we can
subheading is however much smaller and in with the image because the see multiple colours of the graffiti but his
the text his not as thick. The article then model is not settled and he wants bright red jackets stands out more. There
follows after which is much smaller in size. to break the rules which makes the is black text colour but there is also faint
They are all listed down in that order and in audience see him as a risk taker. graffiti in the background of the page.
the order of importance. The purpose of
that was to tell the audience what to read Use of images:
first, what to read next and what to read The images are used to represent the background
last. of the model and what sort of things they get up to
Column width & positioning: which informs the audience of what the model is
The four columns of the article can quite like. For example we can see the model on the left
short and they are not spaced out too much hand side spray painting while looking behind him
so that it is easier to follow the script. as denoted. The connotation of this is that it
represents him as a criminal because he is doing
Caption: something wrong and so he is looking out for
There is a caption right below the title of the possibly the police which tells us that these are
article that describes what Dizzee Rascal has the sort of things he might sing about. We can also
been up to. This will come in helpful to the see bottles of bear and a radio underneath the
audience because they will have a bit of article as denoted. This connotes that his music
information what he has done previously. might be associated with drinking.
Mode of Address:
Overall impression:
Target audience: We are being told that the model might be
I think the double page succeeds in what it
The target audience for this will a dangerous yet rich man. This is through
was trying to achieve which was making the
already know what his life must the images and the title. The image on the
audience get a glimpse of how he grew up
have been like through the picture left is telling us that crime is dangerous
and this was shown through the images as
and so they just have to read the but if you have your money, then you can
well as the graffiti.
article if they want to know more get away with it. The bottles and the radio
Design: about their favourite model. As also communicate in the same manor
The text seem to look as it is dropping there is alcohol and graffiti because they are telling the audience that
and the script seems to be avoiding going present in the image, you can tell all this alcohol comes from the fame of
over the radio and it just goes round it that this can not be suitable for producing hip-hop music. As the article is
and this technique is used to build a children and so probably older about how Dizzee Rascal and how he grew
sense of satisfaction to the audience. teens or adults. up, the bottles might connote that he used
The theme colours of the magazine All three pages have their
'red, white and black seem to be own way of communicating The fonts of the headlines in all
used in all three pages. with the audience three pages stand out and they
all have a different way of
inviting the audience in.

They all excite the audience in a

way because they keep us The models in all three
entertained and discover more pages are doing something
about the topic. that goes with their type of
genre and something that
their target audience might

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