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Cover Letter

What is a Solicited Letter?

A solicited letter is a letter of Application for an advertised

Refer to the name of an employee in the company
Refer to the source of information precisely.
Refer to job title and describe how your qualifications fit
the requirements.
Demonstrate interest in and knowledge of the readers
Show how your special talents and background will
benefit the company.

How your experience fits the stated

Emphasize reader benefit.
Discuss relevant personal traits.
Ask for an interview.
Supply telephone number.
Unsolicited Letter
Some points to consider when writing an unsolicited cover
letter are:
Research the company and know how your skills could fit
into their existing structure.
Understand current challenges the company is facing that
your skills or knowledge would be beneficial in overcoming.
Research the structure of the company and know who to
direct your letter to.
Always address the letter to a person, not a title. Instead of
sending the letter to the Director of Human Resources
send it to Ms. Smith, Director of Human Resources.
Keep it brief and to the point.
Set a time for personal contact or contact by phone.
or CV
French, noun use of past participle of
rsumer to resume, sum up
Curriculum vitae is a Latin expression
which can be loosely translated as [the]
course of [my] life
Essential Components
Mailing Address
Email Address
Telephone number.
Optional Components
Language skills
Volunteer work.
Types of Rsum`
Emphasizing chronology.
Functional Rsum
Combined Rsum
The chronological Rsum is the more traditional structure
for a Rsum. The Experience section is the focus of the
Rsum; each job (or the last several jobs) is described in
some detail, and there is no major section of skills or
accomplishments at the beginning of the Rsum. This
structure is primarily used when you are staying in the
same profession, in the same type of work, particularly in
very conservative fields. It is also used in certain fields such
as law and academia. It is recommended that the
chronological Rsum always have an "Objective" or
"Summary," to focus the reader.
Advantages: May appeal to older, more traditional readers
and be best in very conservative fields. Makes it easier to
understand what you did in what job. May help the name of
the employer stand out more, if this is impressive. The
disadvantage is that it is much more difficult to highlight
what you do best. This format is rarely appropriate for
someone making a career change.
Functional Rsum
The functional Rsum highlights your major
skills and accomplishments from the very
beginning. It helps the reader see clearly what
you can do for them, rather than having to read
through the job descriptions to find out. It helps
target the Rsum into a new direction or field,
by lifting up from all past jobs the key skills and
qualifications to help prove you will be
successful in this new direction or field. Actual
company names and positions are in a
subordinate position, with no description under
Combined Rsum`
It may be a shorter chronology of job
descriptions preceded by a short "Skills
and Accomplishments" section (or with a
longer Summary including a skills list or a
list of "qualifications

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