12th Grade History Grad Requirement

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Comparing Americas

government with Germanys


By Dr. J-Remmy
Types of Government
The united states form of government is a Federal presidential republic, Which
splits the powers of the government into several branches so that one office holds
all of the power.

Germanys form of government is a Federal parliamentary republic, to put into

simpler words; the executive branch bases itself off of the parliaments the
legislative branch makes.
Comparing Leaders
U.S has a president which reigns supreme across America, the President does not
do everything but the president is a living symbol of America that represents all of
the branches of the government in America. The president can only serve two four
year terms, plus has to be 35 years old, be a natural born citizen, and live in the
united states for fourteen years. The current president is Donald Trump

Germanys leader is called a Chancellor, this leader is the head of the government,
but does not represent Germany as a whole, The chancellor is pretty much a
prime minister of an oligarchy but Germany just wants to be different. The
Chancellor position is up for re-election every five years, but the chancellor can
serve unlimited terms. The Chancellor has no requirements in order to take office
The current Chancellor is Angela Merkel.
Comparing Lawmaking Branches
Americas lawmaking branch is the Legislative branch, which creates laws for all
fifty states of America, the law has to be approved by a number of people before
they are put into place though. The united States of America is bi-cameral.
Members of the legislative branch re-elect every two years.

Germanys lawmaking branch can make its own separate laws for the 16 of its
states, as in each state has its own laws, except the federal government can make
federal laws in which all the states of Germany would have to follow. Germany is
bi-cameral, plus members of the lawmaking branch are up for reelection every four
Comparing individual rights
Americas rights and Germanys rights are pretty much the same, except in
germany citizens are required to join the military or civil services when they turn
18. Germanys citizens are allowed to drink at the age of 16, while in the U.S the
age to drink is 21.
Comparing political parties
In America all political parties are allowed to hold a government position, but
presidential office is mainly dominated by republicans and democrats. Therefore it
is a two party system.

In Germany Since 1945 the Christian Democratic union of Germany has been the
political party population in the government. Germany has various political parties
including a pirate party, But most of those groups are democratic, who believe in
Democracy. Germany has a multi-party system.
Elections and voting
America uses the electoral college system, which is very complicated, there are
538 votes split up within the states, the population can vote but their vote will not
count. The House of representatives and senators votes count, until one
presidential candidates receives 270 votes. The age to vote in America is 18

Germany has something like Americas electoral system, it follows a proportional

system though, and only a special political organization can vote to determine the
candidate of the presidency. In some elections citizens can vote at age 16, but for
most of the elections with high stakes at risk, the voting age is 18.
Comparing Taxes & Government funding
In America citizens pay taxes according to their income. The taxes range from 0%-
45%. The taxes pay for the roads, National Debt, education, and all of the
government officials. America spends most of its taxes on military and healthcare,
while barely giving anything to education.

In Germany: it is pretty much Americas system with the 0-45% tax rate based on
income and revenue. But in Germany you have to pay taxes to go to church.
Germany spends most of its money on healthcare and education, while not
sparing much to its military.
Comparing the law
AAmericas law system is inefficient: Crime has increased 3.9% since 2014, over
two million people in prison. Punishments range from a month in jail to a life in
prison. Courts in the state conduct a trial to attempt to prove the victim guilty or
innocent. The U.S has a death penalty by lethal injection.

Germany has an average rate of crime, at about 1/3rd of the U.Ss crime rate.
Germany has 77,000 prisoners currently residing in prison. Punishments range
from fines and up to two years in prison. The court system is the same as in the
U.S. The death penalty is not enforced in Germany.
Germanys relations to the U.S
Germany has been cool with the U.S since 1945

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