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Chapter 1
1. Round off the following numbers correct to
the number of significant figures as given
in the brackets.
a) 9.42 [1]
b) 23.101 [3]
c) 0.009995 [3]
d) 0.1345 [1]
Chapter 1
2. Express the following numbers in standard
a) 4127
b) 76543
c) 0.1198
d) 0.004086
Chapter 1
3. Calculate each of the following, giving
your answer in standard form.
a) 6.49 x 6000
b) 0.0619 0.0078
c) 3.17 x 10-2 6.4 x 10-3
d) 7.6 x 103 6.95 x 102
Chapter 2
4. Mutiply each of the following
a) x ( x + 1)
b) (0.2 m + 4 ) 2m
c) (3m -2 ) ( 7 + 6m)
d) (9-y) (y+9)
Chapter 2
5. Factorise completely.
a) 4x2 24
b) 24 8m2
c) 6y2 12y
d) x2 + 5x - 6
Chapter 2
6. Solve each of the following quadratic
a) X2 + 3x 10 = 0
b) 2x2 19x +42 = 0
c) (x-1) (x + 6) = 0
Chapter 3
7. Given A = { x:x is a two digit number in
which the sum of digits is 5} and B = {x:x
is a two digit number in which the
difference of digits is 5}
a) List the elements of set A and set B
b) State n(A) and n(B)
Chapter 3
8. Determine A n B,
a) A ={ M, E, L, A, K,A}, B= {M, A, L, A,Y, S,
I, A}

b) A = { odd numbers less than 10}, B =

{prime numbers less than 10}

c) A = { factors of 15}, B = {factors of 20}

Chapter 4
9. Complete the following arguments
a) Premise1 : All Ibans originate from
Premise2 : Sapo is an Iban

b) Premise 1 : if m> 6, then m+5 >11

Premise 2:__________________________
conclusion: m<6

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