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First Monday of every November

This day was chosen because of election day. Election day is the first Tuesday following
the first Monday every four years, in November. Election day is a day of national pride
where people exercise their right to vote.
Celebrates and acknowledges all minorities who have been oppressed, including
but not limited to: Native-Americans, African-Americans, Latinx, Asian-Americans,
and Middle-Eastern identifying people.
Native Americans: redistributing their land, creating laws and policies to help protect the resources that
are vital to their community. Ceremonial rededication of the existing treaties, promising to honor their
rights and their land.
African-American: Better awareness of African-American leaders in public school curricula. Investing more
money in predominately black neighborhoods, a Revitalize the Community Effort. Prison reform also on
the agenda.
Latinx: Apologizing for construction of wall. Advocate for citizenship reform. It shouldnt be this difficult or
expensive to become a citizen.
Middle-Eastern: advocating for lessoning the stigma associated with being middle eastern. Advocate for
TSA reform, dont single out people based on looks. Lifting bans on flights to Islamic countries. Refugee
Asian-Americans: Apologizing for lack of acknowledgment around concentration camps in WW2. Integrate
this into education so history doesnt repeat itself.
Lastly, for all, we want to reform our nationalist attitude.

Religious pushback from Christians.

Christians feel oppressed when they are not recognized (ignorant)
KKK may reemergence-this day could cause tension between hate groups.
Facebook/social media fake news.
Dear Americans,
We gather here today, in allegiance, to apologize for the oppression of all minority groups throughout
American history. We recognize that no apology can compensate for the horrific and unjust actions of our
ancestors-however, we can cease the continuation of racism and oppression. Our history does not have to
haunt us; it can serve as a reminder that we need to stand together to ensure the atrocities the American
people have committed do not repeat themselves. We sincerely apologize to our indigenous people for the
land that has been infringed upon by the colonials, the stripping of resources, the degradation of lives,
separation of families and the unjust laws implemented for the purpose of oppression. Additionally, we
would like to apologize for the extraction of lives from their homelands, to utilize for economic greed.
Lastly, we would like to sincerely apologize for the unconstitutional legislation and prejudice actions of our
people targeted at all minority populations. There is no justification for our actions. We understand there
are still remnants of the crimes committed against our own people today. On this day, we recognize that
the first step in fixing a problem is acknowledging that it exists. We are here today to not only sympathize
with the struggles of our people, but to take necessary steps to ensure change and move forward. We will
no longer refer to our own people as minorities-the word minority infers that they are lesser than. We will
refer to them as American people, because that is who they are, and who we are.

Cultural festivals to promote equality, cultural awareness, and inclusion.

No charge for national museums on Acknowledgment Day.
International Field Festivals.
Panels held by minority leaders
Educators include culturally inclusive curriculum
Fundraising for better education
Cultural competency trainings for all government employees

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