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The country is situated in between Western and

central Europe.

Bern is the capital of Switzerland.

There are 26 members state of the federal state of

Switzerland which are known as canton.

Zurich is considered to be the economic capital of

Political Analysis
Switzerlands government, parliament and courts are organized on three levels:

Cantonal (based on 26 cantonal constitutions)
Communal (for small villages)

The federal constitution covers the areas of foreign relations, the army, tariffs,
value added taxes and the legislation on currency, railways and communications
to confederation.

Cantons (and some major cities) do control armed police forces, run hospitals
and universities.

Executive power is exercised by the government and the federal administration

and is not concentrated in any one person.

Switzerlands government is a team consisting of seven members with equal

rights therefore, President and Vice president are elected by the Federal
Assembly from among the Seven members of the Federal Council for a one-year.
Economical Analysis
Country has got a very stable and modem economy.

GDP of the country: $651.7bn (2016est) which represents 1.05 % of the

world economy with a growth rate of0.6%.

Major sources of countrys GDP are from Service sector(71%) and Industry

The GDP per capita in Switzerland was last recorded at 80,000 USD in 2016.

Infiltration rate: -1.31%.

Unemployment rate is estimated to be 3.4%.

Company stand at 31th rank in terms of Ease of doing Business from the
other countries of the world.

1 Swiss franc= 1.01USD and 64.58INR.

Countries Exports are estimated to be $0.22trillion and imports of

Social Analysis
People in Switzerland are highly educated and modern and stands 2 nd in quality
of life Index.

Ethnic groups: German 65%, French18%, Italian 10%, Romansh 1% and others

Religions: Roman catholic 38.2%, protestant 26.9%, Muslim 4.9%, other Christian
5.7%, other 1.6%, none 21.4%, unspecified 1.3%.

Switzerland has a population of about 8million among which 23% are foreigners.

Population growth rate: 1.2% among which about 43% is between 25-54 and 17%
are above 6.

Life expectancy at birth:82.85years

Literacy rate: 99%.

Switzerland is considered to be the best place in the world to be born

(according to Economist Intelligence Unit).
Technological Analysis

The country is poor in natural resources but high in R&D which constitutes 2.9%
to countrys GDP.

Every 12th Person in 1000 is in R&D.

People of Switzerland are very active in E-market and E-banking.

They have the most dense rail Network in the whole Europe.

Out of every 100 people around 97 are computer users and 76 are internet users
(according to ITU).

Country is growing fast in chocolate & watch manufacturing and supplying to the
whole world.

Research Fields: Biotechnology, micro technology, Computer science, Climate

Research and Renewable research.
Legal Analysis
A Tax Heaven nation. (each canton has its own taxes)

Swiss Citizenship: Birth, Marriage.

Health insurance is compulsory in the country.

Effective anti corruption Measures.

Intellectual property rights are respected and enforcement is

consistent with world standards.

Switzerland open to foreign investment, and the investment code is

transparent and efficiently administered.

The overall tax burden equals 29.8% of the total domestic income.
Environmental Analysis
31% of Swiss territory comprises of Woodland.

Massive Biodiversity.

Natural resources: timber, salt etc.

Country stands among the top 5 countries in terms of

Environmental Performance Index.

Electricity generated in Switzerland is 56% from hydroelectricity

and 39% from nuclear power.

Swiss are one of the top recyclers in the world, with 66% to 96% of
recyclable materials being recycled.
Culture Analysis
Switzerlandlies at the crossroads of several majorEuropean cultures.

Swiss culture is characterized by diversity, which is reflected in a wide range of

traditional customs.

Alpshave played an essential role in shaping the history andculture of Switzerland.

all mountain areas of Switzerland have a strong skiing and mountaineering culture and
are associated with folk arts such asalphornandyodeling.

Folk art is kept alive in organizations all over the country, it is mostly expressed
inmusic,dance,poetry,wood carvingandembroidery.

There is a strong architectural tradition in Switzerland. The Romanesque style of the

12th century can be found in the cathedrals of Basel, Sion, Chur, Geneva.

In the field of literature Switzerland produced a number of very well known

writers.Jean-Jacques Rousseauwas fromGeneva. The critic and historianJacob
Burckhardtwas fromBasel.

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