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By Jessica De La O, Stacy Holmes, Diana Moncada,
Carla Martinez & Marilu Zambrano
There once were two bunnies, who were
brothers, and lived in a very lovely home, in a
little town called Carsonville. The oldest bunny
was named Johnny and the little bunny was
named Tommy.
Johnny and Tommy had no daddy; he was eaten by a
big bad wolf. Their mommy worked every day, from
the time the sun came out to the time it went in, so
both bunnys had to help clean the house, cook dinner,
and had to look after one another.

Johnny was a good little bunny; he would clean the

house and the yard. Tommy did not like to clean, cook
or do any work. He liked to play video games.
One morning, Being the curious little
Tommy bunny he was, he decided
decided to go to find out what that noise
outside and was. As he was climbing
play. He was the fence, he heard a voice
tired of having yelling at him, Tommy, get
his brother down! It was Johnny.
telling him to Tommy rolled his eyes.
clean up his
toys. As he
Johnny went on and on about how he had
was kicking a
to stop being a curious little bunny
soccer ball
because one day he would get into big
around the
trouble. One day, I may not be able to
yard, he heard
help you. Please be careful or you will
a loud bang!
give mother more white hairs!, he said.
coming from
the house next
It was the next morning, and Tommy was not happy about it. It was
grocery day, and this meant that he had to go to the Farmers Market
to collect leaves and fruit for the weeks meals. The market was not
close by, and he had to walk there. It was in another city! The city of

Johnny handed him a basket and money to buy

peach leaves, lemon leaves and oranges. Johnny
walked with Tommy for two blocks before giving
him these instructions: Keep walking down the
sidewalk. Do not talk to strangers and keep a look
out for cars. And if you see our cousin Sunny, do not
stop and talk. He is always getting into trouble!
Tommy nodded his head, and continued on his
journey. He was two blocks away from the Farmers
Market, when he came across his cousin Sunny!
Sunny was sitting on top of a fence, on a fence that
wasnt his. The house belonged to a farmer who had
a big back yard filled with many fruit trees. He was
the richest bunny in Wilmingtonville. Everyone was
afraid of him because word had it he could tame
wolves and even had one as a pet!

Hey Tommy! Watcha doing?, asked Sunny.

Im going to the Farmers Market. Wanna
come?, asked Tommy.
Why are you going there? This house has tons of
fruits and leaves! Lets go in! The farmer just left.
You wont have to spend your money!
Are you sure hes not home?, asked Tommy.
I told you! He just left. Come on. Follow me!
replied Sunny. So, the two little bunnies headed
towards the front door.
They went right in. Sunny had been in that yard plenty of times. He sneaked in every time the
farmer left. They turned the corner and came across a BEWARE OF DOG sign. They paused. Sunny
told Tommy how the farmer had a very tiny dog, only a little bigger than a squirrel, and he had
out-runned him every time. They shrugged their shoulders and continued. Sunny twisted the door
knob and pushed the door open.

Oh, little bunnies. You shouldnt have done that!

And, they walked right in.

Tommy was so amazed! He had never seen so many fruit trees in one place! He began picking
peach leaves. Then he and Sunny moved on to a guava tree. They turned around and saw an
orange tree. They walked right over and began to look at the huge fruits that tree had.
They saw
orange of
all and
to pull it

They managed to shake the wolf off of their tails, and ran! They found a shed,
opened it, and ran right it. The wolf was on their trail. She followed them

Tommy and Sunny were terrified! What could they do? The wolf was so much
bigger than them. She could swallow them whole! All they could do was wait.
They were in there for three hours untilthey heard a voice!

Tommy peeked his head out and saw the wolf leaving. The farmer must be
back!, they thought to themselves. All Tommy could think about was how his
brother had told him to not get into trouble. To not stop to talk to Sunny.

They stayed inside the shed.

Little did they know that Johnny had been following them! He bravely walked in and wrestled with
the wolf. He laughed and yelled at the wolf, Youre no match for me!

He found a leash on the floor and quickly hooked in on the wolfs collar. He then tied it on a pole.

The wolf was now tied up. It was time to find his little brother.
He used his nose and followed little Tommys scent.

He found the shed! He opened it and when Tommy and Sunny saw who it was, they couldnt be

Little Sunny ran home. Tommy promised his big brother he would never wander off again and
that he would help him with the chores. Even though his big brother was sometimes annoying,
he was happy to have a brother who loved him and took care of him.


Anthony De La O as Johnny
Michael De La O as Tommy
Fabian Hermosillo as Sunny
Sophie as the wolf

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