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HEC-RAS Version 3.

Unsteady Flow

Presented by:

slides adapted from HEC

Feb 2003 HEC-RASFlow
Unsteady Version 3.
Course 1
Unsteady Flow Documentation
Technical/theoretical - Chapters 2 and 5 from
EM 1110-2-1416
http://www.hnd.usace.army.mil - click on
TECHINFO, then Engineering Publications,
then Engineering Manuals, scroll for manual
HEC-RAS Users Manual - Chapter 8 (data
input and window operations)
HEC-RAS Application Guide - Chapter 17
(example application)
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 2
When to use Unsteady Flow
Tidal/estuary fluctuation
Off-channel storage
Dam breach routing
Channels with flat slopes
Levee overtopping
Hydraulic structures affected by changing
Large amounts of storage behind roads or culverts

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 3

Steady vs. Unsteady

Difference in handling boundary friction and

other losses
Difference in numerical solution algorithm
Difference in handling non-flow areas
Difference in flow and boundary condition data
Difference in calibration strategy
Difference in application strategy

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 4

Unsteady Flow Equations

Momentum Equation:

Q ( Q /A) gA( h ) 0

t x x S o S f

Continuity Equation:

Q + A = 0
x t
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 5
Steady Flow Equations

Energy (momentum) Equation:

( Q2 /A)
+ gA( h - So + S f ) = 0
x x
Continuity Equation:

Q = VA

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 6

Distance vs Time Solution Grid

X = distance, feet
t = time, seconds 1,2 2,2

1,1 x 2,1

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 7

Finite Difference Term

Q Q (2,2) - Q(1,2) Q(2,1) - Q(1,1)

----- = ----------------------- + ( 1 - ) ---------------------

= theta weighting factor 0.5 < < 1.0

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 8

Pre-Computation of Hydraulic

Steady Compute exact hydraulic

properties at a section for each trial
water surface elevation from the
elevation/station points, n-values.
Unsteady Hydraulic properties
are pre-computed for all possible
water surface elevations at each
cross section (hydraulic table)
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 9
Expansion/Contraction Coeffs.

Not used in the momentum

formulation (RAS-unsteady)
Should be in the data, however, for
use with steady flow analysis

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 10

Data Requirements
(Flow and Boundary Conditions)

Steady: Discharge (Q) at each

cross section.
Unsteady: Inflow hydrograph(s)
which are routed by the model.

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 11

Prepare hydrographs
(boundary conditions)
Upstream flows
Tributary (local flows)
Ungaged/unmodeled flows
Downstream (rating curve?)

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 12

HEC-RAS Main Window

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 13

Entering Geometric Parameters

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 14

Cross Section Table Properties

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 15

Pre-processing Geometry
For unsteady flow, geometry is pre-
processed into tables and rating curves
Cross sections are processed into tables of
area, conveyance, and storage
Bridges and culverts are processed into a
family of rating curves for each structure
Weirs and gated structures are calculated
on the fly during unsteady flow calculations
Pre-processor results can be viewed in
graphs and tables
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 16
Cross Section Properties Plot
Property Table
RS = 138154.4
700 Legend

Conv. Channel
Conv. Valley
Conv. Total
Elevation (ft)




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Conveyance/1000 (cfs) Storage (cu ft)

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 17

Geometry Preprocessor

What does it do?

Processes geometric data into a series of
hydraulic tables and rating curves.
Why do we use it for unsteady flow?
Instead of calculating hydraulic variables for
each cross-section during each iteration, the
program interpolates the hydraulic variables
from the tables.

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 18

Conveyance Calculations

Manning Equation

Q = K Sf

K = Conveyance
Sf = friction/energy slope
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 19
Conveyance Calculations

n1 n2 nch n3

A1 P1 A2 P2 Ach Pch A3 P3

Klob = K1 + K 2 Krob = K3


Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 20

Cross Section Example

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 21

Geometry Preprocessor

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 22

Hydraulic Property Plot

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 23

Cross Section Properties Table

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 24

Conveyance Subdivisions

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 25

Conveyance Subdivisions

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 26

Conveyance Subdivisions

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 27

Conveyance Subdivisions

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 28

Boundary and
Initial Conditions

Know boundary condition options
Know initial condition requirements
Sources of data for both
Unsteady Flow Data
External Boundaries required
Upstream and Downstream ends of the river
Typically flow or stage hydrograph upstream
Typically rating or normal depth downstream

Internal Boundaries can be added

Add flow within the river system
Define gate operation

Initial Conditions - at the start of simulation

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 30
Unsteady Flow Data Editor

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 31

Boundary Conditions
Editor shows required
external boundaries
Boundary Type shows
available options
Upstream options:
Stage Hydrograph
Flow Hydrograph
Stage & Flow

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 32

Boundary Conditions - continued

Downstream Boundary Options:

Stage Hydrograph
Flow Hydrograph
Stage & Flow Hydrograph
Rating Curve
Normal Depth
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 33
Flow Hydrograph
Read from DSS
Select DSS file
Select Pathname

Enter in Table
Select time interval
Select start date/time
Enter flow data - or
cut & paste

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 34

Sources of Time-Series Data
Historic Records (USGS)
Stage Hydrographs
Flow Hydrographs

Computed Synthetic Floods

Rainfall-runoff modeling
Peak Discharge with assumed time

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 35

Normal Depth

Enter Friction (energy)

Program uses
Mannings equation to
compute stage
Provides semi-dynamic
downstream boundary

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 36

Initial Conditions
Requires an initial flow
for all reaches
Restart file can be
read from DSS
Enter steady-flow at
upstream boundary
Can add a flow-
change location
Pool elevation for
storage areas
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 37
File and Options Menus

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 38

Unsteady Flow Simulation
Simulation Manager
1. Define a Plan
2. Select which
programs to run

3. Enter a starting and

ending date and time
4. Set the computation

5. Press the Compute


Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 39

Output Selection

Unsteady Flow Output

Stage and Flow
Log File Output
Post Processor
Detailed output
Max Stage
Selected Time Intervals

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 40

Stage and Flow Hydrographs
User Selected Locations

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 41

Viewing Unsteady Flow Results

All of the output that was available for

steady flow computations is available for
unsteady flow (cross sections, profile, and
3D plots and tables).
Stage and flow hydrographs
Time series tables
Animation of cross section, profile and 3-
dimensional graphic
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 42
Stage and Flow Plot


Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 43

Unsteady Flow Rating Curve

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 44

Log File Output

can be generated during computations

information about progression of
can make a large, large file
are you sure you want to open it?

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 45

Post Processor

Can be run after the unsteady

simulation is completed
Provides profiles for the maximum stage
and at regular intervals
All regular graphics and tables can be
used to view the post process results
Graphics can animate the simulation

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 46

Profile Animation

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 47

For students to have a better understanding
of model accuracy, stability, and sensitivity.
To become familiar with the available
parameters within HEC-RAS that will allow
you to develop a stable and accurate model.
To learn how to detect, find, and fix model
stability problems.

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 48


Model Accuracy
Model Stability
Factors Affecting Accuracy and Stability
Cross section spacing
Computational time step selection
Practical delta t, hydrograph rise time / 20
Common Stability Problems
Detecting Stability Problems
Model Sensitivity
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 49
Model Accuracy
Accuracy can be defined as the degree of closeness
of the numerical solution to the true solution.

Accuracy depends upon the following:

Assumptions and limitations of the model (i.e. one
dimensional model, subcritical flow only for unsteady flow)
Accuracy of the geometric Data (cross sections, Mannings
n values, bridges, culverts, etc)
Accuracy of the flow data and boundary conditions
Numerical Accuracy of the solution scheme
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 50
Numerical Accuracy
If we assume that the 1-dimensional
unsteady flow equations are a true
representation of flow moving through a river
system, then only an analytical solution of
these equations will yield an exact solution.
Finite difference solutions are approximate.
An exact solution of the equations is not
feasible for complex river systems, so HEC-
RAS uses a finite difference scheme.
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 51
Model Stability

An unstable numerical model is one for

which certain types of numerical errors
grow to the extent at which the solution
begins to oscillate, or the errors become
so large that the computations can not

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 52

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 53
Factors Affecting Model Stability
and Numerical Accuracy
Cross Section Spacing
Computation time step
Theta weighting factor
Solution iterations
Solution tolerances

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 54

Calculation Options and

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 55

Cross Section Spacing
Cross sections should be placed at
representative locations to describe the
changes in geometry.
Additional cross sections should be
added at locations where changes occur
in discharge, slope, velocity, and
Cross sections must also be added at
levees, bridges, culverts, and other
Feb 2003
structures. HEC-RAS Version 3. 56
Cross Section Spacing - Slope

Bed slope plays an important role in

cross section spacing.
Steeper slopes require more cross sections
Streams flowing at high velocities may
require cross sections on the order of 100
feet or less.
Larger uniform rivers with flat slopes may
only require cross sections on the order of
1000 ft or more.
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 57
Cross Section Spacing - How do you
know if you have enough XS:
Use the HEC-RAS cross section

Make a new plan and run the model.

Compare the before and after.

If no significant difference, then OK!

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 58
Theta Weighting Factor
Theta is a weighting applied to the finite difference
approximations when solving the unsteady flow
Theoretically Theta can vary from 0.5 to 1.0.
However a practical limit is from 0.6 to 1.0
Theta of 1.0 provides the most stability. Theta of
0.6 provides the most accuracy.
The default in HEC-RAS is 1.0. Once you have
your model developed, reduce theta towards 0.6,
as long as the model stays stable.
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 59
Common Stability Problems
Too large of a time step.
Not enough cross sections
Model goes to critical depth RAS is limited
to subcritcal flow for unsteady flow
Bad downstream boundary condition (i.e.
rating curve or slope for normal depth)
Bad cross section properties, commonly
caused by: levee options, ineffective flow
areas, Mannings n values, etc..
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 60
Common Stability Problems -
Cross section properties that do not go high
enough, or are way to high (curves are
spread to far apart).
Bad bridge/culvert family of rating curves.
Wide and flat lateral weirs/spillways send
to much flow over a given time step.
Gated spillways that are opened or closed to
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 61
Detecting Stability Problems

How do you know you have a stability

Program completely blows up during run
Program goes to maximum number of
iterations for several time steps in a row.
Program has oscillations in the computed
stage and flow hydrographs

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 62

Detecting Stability Problems -
What do you do when this happens?
Note the simulation time when the program either blew
up or first started to oscillate.
Turn on the Detailed Output for Debugging option and
re-run the program.
View the text file that contains the detailed log output of
the computations. Locate the simulation output at the
simulation time when the solution first started to go bad.
Find the river station locations that did not meet the
solution tolerances. Then check the data in this general
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 63
Turning on Detailed Output for

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 64

Viewing Detailed Log Output

Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 65

Model Sensitivity
Numerical sensitivity:
Computation time step try a smaller value to
see if the output changes significantly.
Theta start at 1.0, after you have a working
model then try to reduce it towards 0.6.
Weir/Spillway stability factors if you are using
stability factors, try to reduce them to the lowest
value you can get away with.
Weir/Spillway exponential decay factors in
general I would leave them alone, they will not
effect the sensitivity of the output much.
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 66
Model Sensitivity - Continued
Physical Parameter Sensitivity:
Mannings n Values What if the true n values were 10%
higher or Lower?
Cross Section Spacing Test by interpolating
Cross Section Storage What if there is really more or
less storage in the cross sections (I.e. ineffective flow
areas, etc)
Weir/Spillway coefficients For lateral weirs/spillways the
coefficient selected can have a great impact on the
Bridge/Culvert Parameters normally only effect the
locally computed stages, unless it is a flat area in which
the bridge causes great backwater.
Feb 2003 HEC-RAS Version 3. 67
The End

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