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My Family Tree

n William
Unknow Risinger William
n D.
Unknow Risinger
n Jr.
Unknow Clawson
n Emilee
Unknow Risinger
n Clair J.
Unknow Muir
n Stacey
Unknow Muir
n Mona M.
Unknow Stiver
By: Emilee Risinger
The Flag

The colors of the flag

consist of the colors black
standing for From Darkness
Red meaning Through Blood
Yellow meaning Into the Light
Maps of Germany
Current Population?

There are 80.62 million people in

They are ranked the 16th country out of
Life Expectancy..

The current life expectancy rate for

people in Germany is 80 years old
Females: 82
Males: 78
Religious Views

65% to 70% of Germans are Christians

The rest are split between
Protestantism and Roman Catholic

Cologne Cathedral
This in the Roman
Catholic Cathedral in
Cologne, German. It
is the seat of the
Archbishop and the
German is the most common language
Some Phrases include:
Deutschland ist wunderschon
Translation: Germany is a wonderful country
Viel Gluck
Translation: Good Luck
Konnen sie (etwas) langsamer sprechen
Translation: Can you speak slowly
Ich habe mich verlaufan
Translation: Im lost
Guten Morgen!
Translation: Good Morning!
Major Holidays..

One major holiday in Germany is

German Chocolate Cake
12 cup boiling water
4 ounces sweet cooking German chocolate
2 cups sugar
1 cup butter, softened Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 2 9-inch square pans or 3 8-inch
round pans. Line bottom of pans with wax paper.
4 egg yolks Pour boiling water on chocolate, stirring until chocolate is melted; cool.
1 teaspoon vanilla Mix sugar and butter in large mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Beat in
2 12 cups cake flour eggs yolk, one at a time. Beat in chocolate and vanilla on low speed.
Mix in flour, baking soda and salt alternately with buttermilk, beating
1 teaspoon baking soda after each addition until batter is smooth. Fold in egg whites.
1 teaspoon salt Divide batter among pans. Bake square pans 40-45 minutes or round
1 cup buttermilk pans 35-40 minutes. Check for doneness with toothpick in center. Cool
and top with Coconut-Pecan Frosting.
4 egg whites, stiffly beaten Coconut Pecan Frosting: Mix sugar, butter, milk, vanilla and egg yolks in
Coconut Pecan Frosting saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until thick,
about 12 minutes. Take off heat. Stir in coconut and pecans. Beat until
spreading consistency. Allow to cool & thicken before icing cake.
1 cup sugar (1 1/2 cups)
12 cup butter (3/4 cups)
1 cup evaporated milk (12 oz. can)
1 teaspoon vanilla (1 1/2 tsp)
3 egg yolks (4 egg yolks)
1 13 cups flaked coconut (2 cups)
1 cup chopped pecans (1 1/2 cups)
Tourist attractions..
Neuschwanstein Castle:
King Ludwig II built this castle in front of this
Picturesque mountain scenery. Its interior is
Built in the style of 13th century Rome.

Dresden Opera House:

This opera house was built in
1841 but had a devastating
fire in 1869 and was rebuilt.
It has hosted many premiers
of many shows.
History Teacher
Emilee Risinger
Pd. 2
Nature of Work
Most history teachers offer students curriculum
that usually has to do with national, state, local,
and global history.
Other history classes may include economics,
civics and general social studies.
Education and Training
Typically to be a high school history teacher you
need to have a bachelors degree.
Most history teachers are likely to major in history,
social studies and education.
Some high schools require you to have a masters
Most schools require you to have studied history,
English, economics and education.
Other Qualifications
Well organized
Being able to manage your time well
Most high schools require your state license test
Current Job Outlook
6% out look (as fast as average)
Employment change in 2014 to current is 55,900
A lot of public school jobs are not available
Colleges Offering Degree
Michigan State University
University in Georgia
University of Wisconsin
Boston College
Pennsylvania State University
Vanderbilt University was the top university for
education and human development in 2015.
I would choose Vanderbilt because its ranked top
school which means that it has an outstanding
program for what I want to do with my life.
Colleges Offering Degree
Michigan State University
University in Georgia
University of Wisconsin
Boston College
Pennsylvania State University
Vanderbilt University was the top university for
education and human development in 2015.
I would choose Vanderbilt because its ranked top
school which means that it has an outstanding
program for what I want to do with my life.
Three Related Occupations
Guidance Counselor- Relates with kids but not
direct in the teaching field
Principal- In charge of the school, sometimes
works with the kids but mostly takes care of
Social Worker- Deals with people of all ages,
sometimes kids, mostly adults.

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